Jesus calms the storm (Matthew 8: 23-27)

Bible Summary:

Jesus and the disciples enter a boat. A storm hits and the disciples wake him to save them. Jesus says they have little faith and then calms the storm to their amazement.

My Thoughts:

Miracles: We cannot scientifically verify Jesus’ miracles and none have been repeated in 2000 years since his death. He has not returned. Is this all just a hoax by the church?

Faith: You may have these questions, but the real message of this passage is faith, even when the storms of your life are swirling around you. Believe in God and he will help calm your storms. Hang in there!

Jesus Heals Many (Matthew 8: 14-17)

Bible Summary:

Jesus touches the hand of Peter’s feverish mother-in-law and heals her instantly. People bring him many others to heal of their demons as foretold by prophet Isaiah.

My Thoughts:

Convenience: Many of Jesus’ miracles fit too nicely into the prophecies of old like someone fit him into the mold to prove to the Jews he was the Messiah. The story is almost too perfect. And, why has he not returned in 2000 years?

Many critics bring up these points to discredit Jesus. We have no way to prove or disprove the miracles but we all know in our hearts what he taught about loving each other is right.

Exodus Summary

Bible Summary:

A new King of Egypt is even harder on the Hebrew slaves. A compassionate King’s daughter takes in baby Hebrew Moses and raises him. Moses grows up, fights against an injustice, and flees the city. God sends him back to free the Hebrews with multiple plagues on the Egyptians, finally killing all their first-born sons while saving the Hebrews during Passover. The grieving King releases all the Hebrews in the morning, and they are given all of Egypt’s valuables. Later, the King changes his mind and sends his army after them. Moses parts the Red Sea, leads the Hebrews to safety, and destroys the Egyptian army with the water. The Hebrews celebrate until they run out of water crossing the desert. They complain and God provides water and manna. The Amalekites attack the Hebrews, but Joshua’s army prevails with God’s help through Moses’ staff.

With 2.4 million people, the Hebrews are the size of metro Pittsburgh, the 22nd largest city in the United States. With his father-in-law’s advice, Moses appoints judges to handle disputes. God reminds them He freed them from the Egyptians and lays down The Ten Commandments plus many of the civic laws we live by today, like how to handle destruction of someone else’s property. Moses spends forty days with God on Mount Sinai and comes down with the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets, but returns to find the people worshiping a gold calf. He smashes the tablets and has the Levites kill 3,000 people.

Later, Moses convinces God, despite the Hebrews behavior, to come with them on their journey. God has Moses set up the priesthood, first synagogue, Ark of the Covenant to hold the new tablets, a menorah, anointing oils and incense.

My Thoughts:

Jacob’s descendants grow to 2.4 million slaves in Egypt after 430 years causing a concerned King to try to reduce their numbers. The harsh treatment leads to Moses’ rise and God’s wrath against the Egyptians until they release the Hebrews. After a while, the Hebrews forget the miracles God did for them and begin to complain. God provides for them, but they lose faith after Moses is gone forty days to carve the Ten Commandments in stone, and then begin to worship a gold calf. God wants to kill them all and restart with Moses’ descendants, but Moses convinces Him to give them another chance. They build the first worship center and establish the priesthood to honor Him. God is pleased.

God calls Moses to help release the Hebrews. Moses reluctantly agrees. Sometimes God calls people to do great things. We need to be ready to take that call.

God did amazing miracles to release the Hebrews from slavery, but, having grown up believing in a loving God, I had a very hard time relating to a vengeful God that wiped out so many Egyptians and was ready to kill all the Hebrews and start again with Moses.  Maybe this was man’s interpretation of an incredible natural disaster that freed the Hebrews.

The Hebrews lose faith in God even though he continues to provide for them.  Think how hard it is for us to believe when times are tough, then try to imagine what it was like to be a slave, chased by the greatest army of the time, and almost dying of starvation and thirst.  The best mantra to pull the Hebrews out of their slave-mentality was telling them they were the “chosen ones.”

It is also amazing that Moses created the priesthood and many of the laws we live by today, 3500 years later.


Paralympian cured, eyes Olympics

What an amazing story! Monique van der Vorst was paralyzed at age 13 and went on to win two silver medals in the 2008 Beijing Paralympics at age 24.  But, that is just the beginning of this incredible story. In a freak accident last year, Monique was struck by a bicycle while training for the 2012 Paralympics and miraculously regained feeling in her feet.  Seventeen months later, she just signed on with the Rabobank women’s professional cycling team with the goal of cycling in the 2016 Rio Olympics.  Read the full Paralympian eyes Olympic glory after “miracle” crash story at Reuters.

Water from a Rock (Exodus 17:1-7)

Bible Summary:

The Israelites continue their journey but soon complain again to Moses about not having enough water, so God sends him on ahead to Mount Sinai with some leaders of Israel. Moses strikes a rock with his stick and water begins to flow.

My Thoughts:

Miracles: God did some amazing miracles for the Israelites, so we wonder why He fails to show up now, especially when times are difficult for us or others close to us. We wonder why He won’t help me find a job, heal my son from cancer, save my house from the mortgage company, or help me pay the bills?

God is not here to give us everything we want. But, He is here to give us everything we need. Many of us need to struggle to build our confidence, to build our faith. God knows that when everything is given to us we become complacent, we do not try. And, if you do not try, then you will miss out on your calling. And, believe it or not, your calling is the true miracle, because many of God’s works are done through people like you. God calls us to be the miracle, so be that miracle today.

Witnesses: Moses brought along witnesses to Mount Sinai to prove to the rest that the water flowed from the rock. It is so difficult to believe without actually witnessing miracles for yourself.  Hang in there, you will see and you will believe – in time.

Jacob Moves to Egypt (Gen 46)

Bible Summary:

God tells Jacob not to fear, to take his family of seventy to Egypt and He will bring them back to Canaan. After more than twenty years apart, Jacob and Joseph hug and cry upon meeting. Jacob says he can die now he has seen Joseph alive.

Joseph tells his brothers to tell the king of Egypt they care for livestock, but they say they are shepherds instead. The king offers them the best pastures of Goshen and says they can help care for his livestock. Joseph then presents his 130-year-old father Jacob to the king. Jacob gives the king a blessing.

My Thoughts:

Miracles Can Happen: I am sure Jacob believes in miracles as soon as he glimpses Joseph after grieving his death for so many years. Miracles happen across the globe every day. Feel free to share yours.