Exodus Summary

Bible Summary:

A new King of Egypt is even harder on the Hebrew slaves. A compassionate King’s daughter takes in baby Hebrew Moses and raises him. Moses grows up, fights against an injustice, and flees the city. God sends him back to free the Hebrews with multiple plagues on the Egyptians, finally killing all their first-born sons while saving the Hebrews during Passover. The grieving King releases all the Hebrews in the morning, and they are given all of Egypt’s valuables. Later, the King changes his mind and sends his army after them. Moses parts the Red Sea, leads the Hebrews to safety, and destroys the Egyptian army with the water. The Hebrews celebrate until they run out of water crossing the desert. They complain and God provides water and manna. The Amalekites attack the Hebrews, but Joshua’s army prevails with God’s help through Moses’ staff.

With 2.4 million people, the Hebrews are the size of metro Pittsburgh, the 22nd largest city in the United States. With his father-in-law’s advice, Moses appoints judges to handle disputes. God reminds them He freed them from the Egyptians and lays down The Ten Commandments plus many of the civic laws we live by today, like how to handle destruction of someone else’s property. Moses spends forty days with God on Mount Sinai and comes down with the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets, but returns to find the people worshiping a gold calf. He smashes the tablets and has the Levites kill 3,000 people.

Later, Moses convinces God, despite the Hebrews behavior, to come with them on their journey. God has Moses set up the priesthood, first synagogue, Ark of the Covenant to hold the new tablets, a menorah, anointing oils and incense.

My Thoughts:

Jacob’s descendants grow to 2.4 million slaves in Egypt after 430 years causing a concerned King to try to reduce their numbers. The harsh treatment leads to Moses’ rise and God’s wrath against the Egyptians until they release the Hebrews. After a while, the Hebrews forget the miracles God did for them and begin to complain. God provides for them, but they lose faith after Moses is gone forty days to carve the Ten Commandments in stone, and then begin to worship a gold calf. God wants to kill them all and restart with Moses’ descendants, but Moses convinces Him to give them another chance. They build the first worship center and establish the priesthood to honor Him. God is pleased.

God calls Moses to help release the Hebrews. Moses reluctantly agrees. Sometimes God calls people to do great things. We need to be ready to take that call.

God did amazing miracles to release the Hebrews from slavery, but, having grown up believing in a loving God, I had a very hard time relating to a vengeful God that wiped out so many Egyptians and was ready to kill all the Hebrews and start again with Moses.  Maybe this was man’s interpretation of an incredible natural disaster that freed the Hebrews.

The Hebrews lose faith in God even though he continues to provide for them.  Think how hard it is for us to believe when times are tough, then try to imagine what it was like to be a slave, chased by the greatest army of the time, and almost dying of starvation and thirst.  The best mantra to pull the Hebrews out of their slave-mentality was telling them they were the “chosen ones.”

It is also amazing that Moses created the priesthood and many of the laws we live by today, 3500 years later.


People of Israel complete God’s Requests (Exodus 35,36,37,38,39)

Bible Summary:

The people of Israel offer all the items God requested of Moses based on the census of 603,550 men twenty years and older, actually too much so that Moses had to ask them to stop. The men build the Tent of the Lord’s presence to house the tablets with the Ten Commandments, the Covenant Box, the table to offer bread to God, the Lampstand, the altar for burning incense, the altar for burning offerings, and the bronze basin. They also make the anointing oil, incense and priests garments, including the breast piece. When all is done, Moses blesses them.

My Thoughts:

Plan into action: A plan is only good when put into action. God plans out in detail what Moses is to have the people of Israel create and they put it into action.

Blessing: we are blessed when we fulfill what God asks of us.

Second Ten Commandment Tablets (Exodus 34)

Bible Summary:

God tells Moses to cut two new stones tablets and bring them up Mount Sinai so He can rewrite the Ten Commandments. Moses pleads for Him to come with the people of Israel, so God renews His covenant and says He will clear the way for them. He tells Moses not to make any treaties because it could be a fatal trap. They are to destroy the other people’s religious objects and not worship their goddess Asherah. God reminds Moses to keep all the commandments. Moses stays forty days and nights, eating and drinking nothing, while rewriting the Ten Commandments on the tablets. Moses returns from Mount Sinai with a shining face from speaking to God and the people are afraid to go near him.

My Thoughts:

Anger: Moses took another forty days to create a second pair of Ten Commandment tablets after he broke the first in a fit of anger because the people of Israel worshiped the gold calf.

Most of the time, anger is triggered by something that happens different from what we expect. And, even grown-ups can have tantrums and break things. If you feel anger coming on, just walk away from the situation until you cool down. Then, take time to think about what caused the anger. What expectation was not met and is that expectation really important enough that you are willing to ruin a relationship over it? After you calm down, talk to the person you were getting angry with. Communication can only help you both move toward common expectations, or at least acceptance of each other’s differences.

Peace be with you.

God agrees to go with the people of Israel (Exodus 33)

Bible Summary:

God tells Moses to take the people of Israel from Mount Sinai to the land He promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He says he will drive out all the other people from this fertile land, but He cannot join them since they are so stubborn. The people mourn that God is not happy with them and stop wearing jewelry at His request.

Moses sets up the Tent of His presences outside of each new camp. Whenever he goes to the Tent, a pillar of cloud joins him and the people bow down when they see the cloud.

God changes His mind since He is pleased with Moses and now agrees to go with the people of Israel, plus to give them victory.

My Thoughts:

History of the victor: God agrees to drive all the other people (Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites) out of the fertile land for the people of Israel. Every victor believes God was on their side for the win and sanctioned the contest against the loser. I wonder what God had against those other people.

Israelites defy God, worship gold calf (Exodus 32)

Bible Summary:

Moses is gone forty days and nights up Mount Sinai, so the people of Israel give up on him and ask Aaron to make a god to lead them. Aaron asks for all their gold earrings, melts them down, and molds them into a calf. He then builds an altar to the gold calf and announces a festival for the next day.

God tells Moses the people of Israel have rejected Him, so He is going to destroy them and make a great nation from his descendants. Moses pleads for their lives and God changes His mind.

Moses returns down the mountain with the stone commandments. He is furious to find people worshiping the gold calf, so he smashes the tablets. He grinds the gold calf into powder and makes the people drink it. Then, he calls everyone over to God’s side of the gate to the camp, but only the Levites join him, so Moses tells them to kill the rest, even if they are brother, friend or neighbor. They obey and slaughter 3,000 people that day.

The next day Moses tells the people they have committed a terrible sin. He heads back up the mountain and asks God for forgiveness for their sins. God tells Moses to lead the people to the place he promised with the help of a guiding angel. He then sends disease on the people for their sin.

My Thoughts:

Jealous and vengeful God: This jealous and vengeful God is in stark contrast to the loving God we learn about in the New Testament. How can they be one in the same? How could God think about wiping out millions of people just because they worship a golden calf? This sure sounds like men used the name of God to threaten people into doing their bidding. They are looking for the same obedience as the King of Egypt.

Jealousy: Jealousy can make people angry enough to lash out against others, like this story of God. Jealousy comes from a sense of insecurity and a lack of confidence. A wife may fear her husband will find someone better. A man may fear a colleague getting promoted over him.

Challenge your jealousy with the confidence that God made you beautiful the way you are and gave you abilities to do amazing things. You just need to believe!

God Gives Moses the Tablets (Exodus 31)

Bible Summary:

On Mount Sinai, God tells Moses which craftsman from among the people of Israel to use to design and make the Tent of His presence, the Covenant Box, altars, and lampstand. He also commands Moses to tell the people to keep the Sabbath, the day of rest. God gives Moses two stone tablets that He wrote the Ten Commandments on.

My Thoughts:

Skills: We each have our own skills. Some are craftsman, some artists; others have the aptitude for medicine. Each is as unique as a snowflake. Focus on what you are good at, your unique ability. Carve out a niche somewhere in this economy with that skill. There are hundreds of ways to use your talents and make a living. “Try on” different jobs to see if they “fit”. If not, keep looking until you find your bliss. Have faith and you will.

Whatever you do, never let anyone make you feel unimportant because of your career choice. They may make more money and have more material belongings, but if you do what you were meant to do, you will be a thousand times happier. And God will smile.

Day of Rest: Each time I read about God’s command to take a day of rest I think about all the single mothers who work hard, many with two jobs, and then come home to care for their children. How can they take a day of rest? They rarely get an hour of rest.

The commandment has two elements to it: worshiping God and resting your body and soul, both which can help you live longer. If you are one of these moms, ask a friend or family member to watch the kids once a week for an hour or two so you can go and worship God, even if it is just taking time alone with Him in a park communing with nature. It will cleanse your soul and rejuvenate your batteries for another week. God bless!

God’s Anointing Oil and Incense (Exodus 30)

Bible Summary:

God instructs Moses to:

  • Make an altar where Aaron is to burn incense every morning and evening.
  • Collect a tax from every man during census for upkeep of the holy Tent. Each man is to pay the same whether rich or poor.
  • Make a bronze basin for the priests to wash their hands and feet before entering the holy Tent.
  • Mix the spices myrrh, cinnamon, cane, and cassia with olive oil to make sacred oil to anoint the Tent and everything in it.
  • Blend equal parts of the spices stacte, onycha, galbanum, and frankincense to make the holy incense.

My Thoughts:

Taxes: So, basically this chapter of Exodus says God created the first tax!

God or Coincidence: The last bible study topic was about wise men giving baby Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh and this Exodus story describes what frankincense and myrrh were for. Coincidence or did God have a hand in the timing? When I was younger I would have said this was a coincidence, but now that I have experienced so many of these in my life I know that God is with me.

Follow your instincts: A few chapters back I struggled about jumping ahead to the New Testament. I think I found my answer. Follow your instincts and see where they lead you.

Baby Jesus and Wise Men (Matthew 2)

Bible Summary:

Jesus is born in Bethlehem. Wise men follow a star to Jerusalem. King Herod learns of Jesus’ birth and plots to have the wise men lead him to the baby. The wise men find baby Jesus and present him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. God warns them about Herod, so they leave by another road.

An angel warns Joseph about Herod, so they escape to Egypt. Herod realizes the wise men tricked him, so he orders the death of all boys two and younger in Bethlehem, which fulfills the prophecy about Rachel weeping for her children.

After King Herod dies, God tells Joseph to return to the land of Israel. Joseph is afraid to learn that Herod’s son has succeeded him, so God guides him to Nazareth in the province of Galilee, fulfilling the prophecy that the Messiah will be a Nazarene.

My Thoughts:

Wise Men: This story conflicts with all the nativity scenes and stories that have the wise men show up right at the birth of Jesus instead of two years later. Must be poetic license.

These Magi came from “the East”, which was likely Mesopotamia where Abraham was from or possibly Persia.

Jesus similar to Moses: Jesus miraculously survives the killing of all the baby boys in Bethlehem like Moses survived the King of Egypt’s edict to kill all the Hebrew babies (see the Israelites Grow Numerous in Egypt  and Moses is Born stories in Exodus).

God Establishes Priesthood (Exodus 26,27,28,29)

Bible Summary:

God gives Moses detailed instructions on how to build the sacred tent and altar so people can worship Him. God then tells Moses to call and ordain his brother Aaron and sons to become priests to the people of Israel. He also describes the garments the priests are to wear, including a breastplate engraved with the names of the tribes of Israel so God will always remember His people. The people are to give a daily offering to God.

My Thoughts:

Priesthood: God established the priesthood to help people remember to worship Him. Some people say man created the priesthood to control people and collect “offerings” that benefit themselves. Sure, there have been periods of control, like the Inquisition, and some cases of individuals taking advantage of their role, but I believe the religious establishment does well at educating the people to act kindly towards each other and truly be a community. They also help us grieve, support the poor, and give us hope. I would like to thank all the religious leaders around the globe for all they do. Thank you!

God Establishes First Synagogue (Exodus 25)

Bible Summary:

God tells Moses to have the Israelites make him an offering of gold, silver and many other items. He is to accept whatever each person gives. The items are to be used to create a sacred tent for God to be with the people, a covenant box to house the Ten Commandment tablets, a table to offer bread to God, and a lampstand.

My Thoughts:

Most Important Chapter: Amazing! In one chapter of the book of Exodus we are given the beginning of the Priesthood, the first synagogue (the tent), the Ark of the Covenant (the box), and the detailed design of the menorah (the lampstand).

Be Gracious: God tells Moses to accept whatever each person can give. I think He was telling Moses they should he gracious for each gift because a small gift to them may be enormous to the giver.  Let’s take this to heart this Christmas and be grateful for each gift we receive no matter the size or how much we like it.