NEWS: Faster than light?

Scientist are having a hard time believing test neutrinos went faster than the speed of light from Switzerland to Italy since that is impossible by Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. The test was confirmed twice, but in a third test the scientist are saying the results must be wrong.  Now, if I remember my science history correctly, Einstein’s theory in 1906 changed our thinking about Sir Isaac Newton’s Laws of Motion, by improving upon them. Perhaps Einstein’s theory needs a tweak after 105 years?

Learn more about the OPERA and ICARUS experiments in the Study rejects “faster than light” particle finding story at Reuters.

NEWS: Google working on incredible innovations

Google’s founders have created a lab called Google X which is investing time, money, and expertise into developing the next innovations that may bring us human-like robots, space elevators, and more.  This sound so much like Thomas Edison’s Menlo Park where he invented many new products including the light bulb.  Read the whole Top-secret facility working to awaken dreams story at the Columbus Dispatch.

NEWS: Attending religious services can improve your health

Regular attendance in religious services can improve optimism, reduce depression, and even help you live longer. It may not work for all, but it is worth a try. Learn more in the Study links religious services to optimism story at Reuters.

Please visit your church, mosque, temple, synagogue, house of worship, shrine, Daoguan, Wat or Gurdwara this week.

*** NOTE: I humbly apologize if I have misstated, misspelled or omitted your place of worship.

NEWS: Zimbabwe Needs Food

According the United Nations, about 1 million people in Zimbabwe will be short food until next March. It would be great if some farmers around the world could collect a little surplus grain or corn each and send it to Zimbabwe to help.  In the grand scheme of things, we are all in this world together. See full WFP says more than 1 million Zimbabweans need food aid story at Reuters.

NEWS: Circus Nostalgia

It is too bad that going to the circus has lost its flair around the world (see Circus Nostalgia story at Reuters).  Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus was top entertainment 100 years ago but has been replaced by movies, video games, and many other “artificial” entertainments today.  I really enjoyed watching live performers do some amazing feats at the Shriners Circus six years ago in Columbus, Ohio.  Plan on trying something “new” in 2012 by going to the circus.  Enjoy!

NEWS: Asteroid Near Miss

Most of us didn’t realize a sizable asteroid passed the Earth closer than the moon last Tuesday (see the NASA captures asteroid’s close encounter with Earth video and read the transcript at Reuters).

Life is precious.  We never know when our time will come, so live life like there is no tomorrow.  Hug your loved ones, chat with a friend, go for that dream job, make a difference in someone’s life.  Do it now or you never will.  All my best.