Warning about 2012 end-of-world scare

Okay, I finally received a call from someone trying to scam people out of their money because of the impending end-of-the-world in 2012 as “predicted” by the Mayans. The man called himself Derek and asked if I was ready for the world to end. I said, “Yes,” and out of curiosity let him talk. I listened silently, so he kept asking if I was still there. I guess he had been hung up on a lot. Derek was surprised that I was not fearful and was ready for the end-of-the-world. He eventually got to the scam portion of his pitch and asked me to meet him downtown, presumably to give him some money.

Do not – I repeat – do NOT fall for these scams. These people are playing on everyone’s fears about something that will not happen. How do I know it will not happen? It has not happened so many times before. This list of end-of-world predictions from Wikipedia shows they are truly just “predictions”. These predictions are not truth even though sometimes they lead people into panic or into doing things to harm themselves or others. The Jim Jones massacre in 1978 where 909 people “drank the Kool-Aid” laced with cyanide shows how far this can go.

There is no need to fear. There is no need to panic. Even if by some remote chance, as depicted in the movies 2012 and The Day After Tomorrow, something does happen, you will end up in heaven in the loving arms of God along with all of your family, so why worry?

Do not put your faith in Mayan Indians from thousands of years ago or media that likes to sensationalize stories that increase fear and anxiety, put your faith in the one God who loves you and you will be fine no matter what happens in your life.

Peace be with you!

Whittle Thinker

Faith and forgiveness help deputy recover

Brandon Moore attributes his quick recovery and return to active duty 20-months after a life-threatening shooting to faith and forgiveness. Moore had nightmares weeks after being shot several times, including in the chest and “pulverizing” his leg. Many thought he would never return to activity duty again, but a great weight lifted and the nightmares stopped when he forgave the shooter. Now he speaks nationally to other officers about being vigilant, even in sleepy small towns like Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Read the full Deputy attributes life, recovery to faith story and see pictures from the Columbus Dispatch.

Forgiveness is much more important to the forgiver than receiver. This story shows its healing powers.


Woman finds wedding ring in tornado rubble

A tornado blew through Woodward, Oklahoma last Sunday and Emilee Neagle had 26 minutes to get her family out of the house. In the rush, they left her wedding ring on the bathroom counter and the family dog in the house. After eight hours with a metal detector and help from her third-grade class, Emilee found her wedding ring. And, the dog was fine too. Learn more in the Oklahoma woman finds dog, wedding ring amid tornado rubble story from CNN.

This story emphasizes that when it comes down to what is truly important in life, it is all about your family and not your possessions, which can be replaced (or found). Enjoy your family while you can.

Palm Sunday 2012

Today we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant return to Jerusalem on a donkey with people waving palm leaves and then we endure the passion of Christ as Judas betrays him, Peter denies him three times, and Jesus is crucified on the cross then buried.

You will receive a palm at church today in memory of these events. Turn it into a cross before the palm dries out using the steps in this You Tube video – How to Make a Palm Cross.

Test your will this Lent

Another Lent begins tomorrow, also known as Ash Wednesday, 40-days of fasting and prayer to match those spent by Jesus in the desert when Satan tempted him. By my count 40-days ends Palm Sunday, so Lent is really 47-days long as it continues through Holy Week ending Easter Sunday.

Catholics fast tomorrow, eating only one meal and do not eat meat on Fridays throughout the Lenten period. Many give up something minor like chocolate or another favorite food. One year I gave up media. I did not read the newspaper, news on the Internet, or magazines and I did not watch any TV. It was amazing the transformation that made in my life. Prior to that Lent, I always felt I had to keep up with the news. I had to know what was going on. I was an information junkie. It was a very difficult Lent, especially since my wife thought I went overboard and tried to tempt me with watching programs with her. I read books at the table in the other room so we could at least see each other.

That Lent was like a purification process. I realized I did not need the news in my life and I discovered that all the negative news was actually dragging down my mood. I felt uplifted without all the fear they “sell” in the news weighing me down each day. I stopped paying so much attention to it until I started this blog. Now I read the news regularly to find positive news to post. I have felt more edgy lately as the fear creeps back into my psyche from all the negative headlines. I am tempted to stop reading the news, but feel I am providing a valuable service for everyone, so I continue my mission.

This Lent I challenge you to take give up something more meaningful, more difficult this year, like smoking or any other bad habit. Or, if you are really up for the challenge, skip giving up something altogether and do good deeds each day of Lent instead. Your life will never be the same, but much better when you discover what you can do with a strong will. You can do anything.

Faith amid persecution

Can you imagine being persecuted for your faith and belief in these modern times?  It happened to Christians in Gojra Pakistan in 2009.  Please read the incredible My Take: Looking for faith amid persecution story by Vivian Padilla-Chapman at CNN that details the incident and her feelings about it.

Per Matthew 5:11, Jesus said “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.”  But, I think it is more than that.  People persecute others because of their beliefs, faith, country of origin, color of their skin, height, hair color, eye color, income, social status, and many other reasons to separate “us” from “them”.  But, that is the crux of the matter, “us and them” thinking is the only concept keeping us from everlasting peace.  I believe there is no “us” and “them”, there is only “we”, we the people of the world.  Maybe someday we will learn. I pray it is before a common world threat occurs, which is likely the only way we will unite.


Dalai Lama’s “Beyond Religion” book

Martin Sheen narrates the Dalai Lama’s new book Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World.  The Dalai Lama is a modern-day prophet who transcends all religions and “is a reflection of the Gospels” according to Sheen.  Read the whole Book Talk: Sheen “nourished” by narrating Dalai Lama’s book story at Reuters.

Note: the Reuters story includes a free download of the Dalai Lama’s book from Audible.com until December 20th. I plan to listen to his book.

NEWS: Attending religious services can improve your health

Regular attendance in religious services can improve optimism, reduce depression, and even help you live longer. It may not work for all, but it is worth a try. Learn more in the Study links religious services to optimism story at Reuters.

Please visit your church, mosque, temple, synagogue, house of worship, shrine, Daoguan, Wat or Gurdwara this week.

*** NOTE: I humbly apologize if I have misstated, misspelled or omitted your place of worship.