Jesus heals those with faith (Matthew 9:18-26)

Bible Summary:

A Jewish official kneels before Jesus and pleads for him to place his hands on his daughter who just died. Jesus and his disciples follow the official. Along the way, a woman who suffered from bleeding for 12 years touches Jesus’ cloak. Jesus tells her to have courage and her faith makes her immediately well. At the official’s house, he tells the funeral group to leave since the little girl is not dead but only sleeping. They make fun of him as they leave. Jesus goes to the girl, holds her hand, and then she gets up. The news of this spreads everywhere.

My Thoughts:

Faith: Jesus rewards people who have the faith that they can be healed. Faith is believing in something when there is no proof it can happen. It can carry you through taunts of others who do not understand. Faith is believing so much that you push a bit harder and with a little help from above everything comes to be.

Year of Restoration (Leviticus 25)

Bible Summary:

God tells Moses and the Israelites to rest the land of Canaan every seventh year instead of cultivating it. They can eat all the land produces, which will be enough since God will bless the land with a double harvest in the 6th year to last until the 8th year.

On the Day of Atonement each 49 years, Israelites proclaim the 50th year as the Year of Restoration, giving freedom to all people. All property previously sold is restored to the original owner or his descendants, and anyone sold as slave returned to his family. Land and slaves are sold fairly based on the number of years remaining to the next Restoration.


  • Houses sold in walled cities can only be bought back for the first year, otherwise they become permanent property of the new owners.
  • Levites have the right to buy back any of their property at any time.

Other Considerations:

  • If a neighbor becomes poor, you must give him a job, eliminate interest on his loans, and sell him food without making a profit.
  • If you need slaves, buy foreigners who will be slaves the rest of their lives. But, if an Israelite sells himself, he is freed at the next Year of Restoration.

My Thoughts:

Restoration: Moses created the Year of Restoration so the Israelites would never be permanent slaves again like they were in Egypt.

Care for the poor: Moses puts into law how people are to treat the poor. God gives them dignity by having you give them a job instead of a handout.

New Wine in New Wineskins (Matthew 9:14-17)

Bible Summary:

Followers of John the Baptist ask Jesus why they and the Pharisees fast often but the disciples do not. Jesus tells them wedding guests need to be happy until the bridegroom is taken away, and then they will fast. He also says no one patches an old coat with new cloth since it would shrink and make a bigger hole, nor pours new wine in old wineskins that would burst. New wine in new wineskins keeps both in good condition.

My Thoughts:

Celebrate: Jesus says the disciples should celebrate while he is with them.

New Message: Jesus’ new message was not taken well by the establishment, so he focused on telling his new message (i.e. new wine) to new people (i.e. new wineskins), including Gentiles.

Tebow uncertainty

The Denver Broncos signed Peyton Manning to a five-year $96 million contract, leaving Tim Tebow in temporary limbo. John Elway, Denver’s head of football operations, said Tebow was disappointed but would not break from his positive attitude. Just goes to show you there is no loyalty in business, it is all about making the best return and Denver believes they can do it with Manning even though Tebow turned them around to a division title and even beat the Pittsburgh Steelers in the playoffs last year. The talk is that Tebow may end up back in Florida, where he won two BCS national championships and a Heisman Trophy, playing for the Jacksonville Jaguars.  Learn more in the Broncos noncommittal on Tebow in wake of Manning deal story at Reuters.

Matthew follows Jesus (Matthew 9: 9-13)

Bible Summary:

Jesus meets and asks Matthew the tax collector to follow him. Matthew does right then. Later, Jesus and his disciples eat with outcasts at Matthew’s house. Some Pharisees ask the disciples how their teacher can eat with such people. Jesus overhears and says, “Only those who are sick need a doctor,” and quotes scripture, “It is kindness I want, not animal sacrifices.”

My Thoughts:

Letter of the Law: Jesus knows human nature, that the self-righteous will follow the letter of the law, so he focuses on the outcasts who need him. He jabs the Pharisees about showing a little kindness.

Follow your belief: Matthew drops everything to follow Jesus. How far would you go to follow your belief? Would you quit your job and follow a man you barely know with no guarantee to even have enough food to eat? I believe this gospel story teaches people to follow their convictions, which can give you freedom and strength.

Punishment under Moses (Leviticus 24: 10-23)

Bible Summary:

A man with an Egyptian father and Israelite mother curses God while quarreling with another man. Moses puts him under guard until God tells him to have the people testify of his guilt and then the community stones him to death. God teaches the principle of a life for a life, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.

My Thoughts:

Effective Deterrent: These punishments were likely very effective at keeping people in line back then. They seem very extreme today.

I wonder if the term “curse” means the same now as then. Many people have incorporated foul words into everyday language. A curse was likely based more on the intent, like if someone yells or curses at you in anger.

Encyclopedia Britannica stops print editions

After 245 years, Encyclopedia Britannica will no longer be in print, only digital. They are selling their last 4000 print copies and then all future editions will be available on their website or through phone apps. They learned what all paper media providers have discovered – it is too expensive to produce in paper and the audience is all moving to digital. On the plus side, we should save a lot of trees. Learn more in the Encyclopedia Britannica ends print, goes digital story at Reuters.