People of Israel complete God’s Requests (Exodus 35,36,37,38,39)

Bible Summary:

The people of Israel offer all the items God requested of Moses based on the census of 603,550 men twenty years and older, actually too much so that Moses had to ask them to stop. The men build the Tent of the Lord’s presence to house the tablets with the Ten Commandments, the Covenant Box, the table to offer bread to God, the Lampstand, the altar for burning incense, the altar for burning offerings, and the bronze basin. They also make the anointing oil, incense and priests garments, including the breast piece. When all is done, Moses blesses them.

My Thoughts:

Plan into action: A plan is only good when put into action. God plans out in detail what Moses is to have the people of Israel create and they put it into action.

Blessing: we are blessed when we fulfill what God asks of us.

Moses sets up God’s Tent (Exodus 40)

Bible Summary:

Moses sets up the Tent of God’s Presence with the Ten Commandment tablets, two years after he led the people of Israel out of Egypt, and then dedicates it to God. God visits the Tent as a cloud with dazzling lights. Each time the cloud lifts, they move the camp.

My Thoughts:

Worship Center: Moses established the worship center and holy rituals, followed by the Jews for the last 3,500 years. The Christian religions incorporate many of these rituals since Jesus was a Jew and practiced them.

Traveling with God: The people of Israel feared God’s presence with them during the time of Moses, but I am sure most people today would love to have God visibly with them, especially in their time of need or “wandering”.

Prayer: Please be with us God. Help us through our suffering, provide us what we need, give us hope to fulfill our dreams for You, and forever shine Your light upon us to bring happiness and joy.

Jesus says you are like salt and light (Matthew 5: 13-16)

Bible Summary:

Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount they are like salt for all mankind and a light for the whole world. “Your light must shine before people, so they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven”

My Thoughts:

Salt and Light: Salt brings out the goodness in foods during cooking. Light shines for all to see. Salt also preserves foods for a long time. So, show your goodness for all to see. Be the example they can follow to preserve mankind forever.

Faith amid persecution

Can you imagine being persecuted for your faith and belief in these modern times?  It happened to Christians in Gojra Pakistan in 2009.  Please read the incredible My Take: Looking for faith amid persecution story by Vivian Padilla-Chapman at CNN that details the incident and her feelings about it.

Per Matthew 5:11, Jesus said “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.”  But, I think it is more than that.  People persecute others because of their beliefs, faith, country of origin, color of their skin, height, hair color, eye color, income, social status, and many other reasons to separate “us” from “them”.  But, that is the crux of the matter, “us and them” thinking is the only concept keeping us from everlasting peace.  I believe there is no “us” and “them”, there is only “we”, we the people of the world.  Maybe someday we will learn. I pray it is before a common world threat occurs, which is likely the only way we will unite.


Jesus gives us the Beatitudes (Matthew 5: 1-12)

Bible Summary:

Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes:

  • Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
  • Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
  • Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
  • Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
  • Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
  • Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
  • Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
  • Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
  • Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

– From the English Standard Version Bible at which is how I know it.

My Thoughts:

Doing right can be hard, but rewarding: In less than 150 words, Jesus touches each person’s heart, since they had experienced at least one of the characteristics – poor in spirit, mourning, meek, and hunger or thirst; teaches them how to behave – merciful, pure of heart, peaceful, and righteous; and warns them that doing right can cause others to revile and persecute them, but they will be rewarded in heaven.

Foreshadowing: the last part about persecuted prophets describes the past but also foreshadows what will happen to Jesus and the apostles.

Retailers Stay Open 24/7

Retailers like Macy’s and Best Buy are staying open 24 hours as we approach Christmas Day so last-minute shoppers have all the opportunities to get the gift they want for their loved ones.  Glad to hear about the good gesture, even though the retailers may not make any extra money.  Read the full Retailers’ graveyard shift wins over shoppers, analysts story at Reuters.

Second Ten Commandment Tablets (Exodus 34)

Bible Summary:

God tells Moses to cut two new stones tablets and bring them up Mount Sinai so He can rewrite the Ten Commandments. Moses pleads for Him to come with the people of Israel, so God renews His covenant and says He will clear the way for them. He tells Moses not to make any treaties because it could be a fatal trap. They are to destroy the other people’s religious objects and not worship their goddess Asherah. God reminds Moses to keep all the commandments. Moses stays forty days and nights, eating and drinking nothing, while rewriting the Ten Commandments on the tablets. Moses returns from Mount Sinai with a shining face from speaking to God and the people are afraid to go near him.

My Thoughts:

Anger: Moses took another forty days to create a second pair of Ten Commandment tablets after he broke the first in a fit of anger because the people of Israel worshiped the gold calf.

Most of the time, anger is triggered by something that happens different from what we expect. And, even grown-ups can have tantrums and break things. If you feel anger coming on, just walk away from the situation until you cool down. Then, take time to think about what caused the anger. What expectation was not met and is that expectation really important enough that you are willing to ruin a relationship over it? After you calm down, talk to the person you were getting angry with. Communication can only help you both move toward common expectations, or at least acceptance of each other’s differences.

Peace be with you.