Bible Summary:
Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount that anger is as bad as murder. He warns that calling your brother names can put you in danger of going to hell. It is so important to make peace with your brother that you are to leave the altar to reconcile and then return to offer your gift to God. He also advises to settle any lawsuit before it gets to court or you will go to jail until you pay the whole fine.
My Thoughts:
Anger: Jesus warns us that we will go to hell for our anger. Anger can actually be a living hell for the people who experience the wrath and the person who is angry. The angry person may experience remorse after the incident, but the scars continue long after for the victims. They can become unsure, risk averse, compliant and allow people to walk all over them. They may even continue the cycle and become angry people too, perpetuating the abuse for generations to come. If you have a problem, please seek help now. At least, study anger management books or sign up for a class. If that does not work, then seek professional help. It is worth it for your friends, family, colleagues, and generations to come.