God’s Ultimate Test for Abraham (Gen 22)

Bible Summary:

God demands the ultimate test of Abraham, the sacrifice of his son Isaac.  Abraham takes Isaac on a three day journey to the mountains.  Isaac asks where the lamb is for the sacrifice.  Abraham says God will provide one and then a little later ties Isaac to an altar and goes after him with a knife.  An angel of the Lord stops Abraham and provides him a ram to sacrifice instead.   From heaven, God tells Abraham he will richly reward him for his obedience with “as many descendants as there are stars in the sky.”

My Thoughts:

Loyalty: I guess God needed to test Abraham’s loyalty since he didn’t believe Isaac could be born to him and Sarah at such an advanced age (Gen 17 & Gen 18).  Being a parent, I find it amazing that Abraham could even try to go through with killing his own son.  But, Abraham proved true to God.

Belief: The Jewish people “believe” they are the chosen ones of God because of stories like this, which helps them “act” like chosen ones.  In reality, we are all chosen ones, no matter who you are!  I challenge you to believe you are a chosen one of God and act like it. You will be surprise how your life will improve.

STOP: Do NOT try to kill your child based on this Bible story.  Please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 if you need help.