God sets penalties for disobeying laws (Leviticus 20)

Bible Summary:

God tells Moses to remind the people of Israel to obey His laws and sets the penalty of stoning to death for the following:

  • Worshiping other gods, specifically Molech. If the people will not stone the person, then God will turn against him and his whole family.
  • Consulting the spirits of the dead or seeking advice from someone who does.
  • Cursing your father or mother.
  • Committing adultery, incest, bestiality or homosexuality. Both involved are guilty.

My Thoughts:

Penalties: Stoning to death seems extreme but was likely a very effective deterrent. Some penalties today seem at the other extreme of too lenient.

Equal Commandments: This chapter shows how all God’s commandments were treated equally – worshiping other gods and cursing parents was just as bad as murder.

Build your life solid like rock (Matthew 7: 24-29)

Bible Summary:

Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount that anyone who hears and obeys his words is like a wise man who builds his house on a rock instead of sand. The rain pours, rivers flood, and wind blows hard against the house on the rock, but it does not fall. Jesus finishes the sermon and everyone is amazed at how he taught with authority, not like the teachers of Law.

My Thoughts:

Solid Foundation: Like a house, every life needs a solid foundation. Jesus provides that foundation in the Sermon on the Mount:

  • The Beatitudes
  • Be a good role model for all to see
  • Obey the Ten Commandments
  • Anger is a bad as murder
  • Marriage is sacred and adultery starts with a look at another woman
  • Keep your promises
  • Love your enemy instead of seeking revenge
  • Do charity anonymously
  • The Lord’s Prayer
  • Do not show off
  • Focus on riches in heaven instead of on earth
  • Live for today; life is too short to worry
  • Do not judge others before yourself
  • Ask and receive, seek and find, knock and the door will open
  • Make good choices even though they are very difficult
  • Be cautious about false prophets who may swindle your money

Jesus says to follow God’s Laws (Matthew 5: 17-20)

Bible Summary:

Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount they must continue to obey the Laws of Moses and teachings of the prophets if they wish to enter heaven. They must follow the Laws faithfully and do what God requires.

My Thoughts:

Laws of Morality: Every community and religion covers the basic laws of morality like not lying or stealing. These and the other Ten Commandments are the laws that Jesus refers to that people are to follow.