Jesus Heals Many (Matthew 8: 14-17)

Bible Summary:

Jesus touches the hand of Peter’s feverish mother-in-law and heals her instantly. People bring him many others to heal of their demons as foretold by prophet Isaiah.

My Thoughts:

Convenience: Many of Jesus’ miracles fit too nicely into the prophecies of old like someone fit him into the mold to prove to the Jews he was the Messiah. The story is almost too perfect. And, why has he not returned in 2000 years?

Many critics bring up these points to discredit Jesus. We have no way to prove or disprove the miracles but we all know in our hearts what he taught about loving each other is right.

Moses Appoints Judges (Exodus 18)

Bible Summary:

Moses’ father-in-law Jethro brings Moses’ wife and two sons to Mount Sinai. Moses tells Jethro all about what happened in Egypt, the hardships the Israelites have endured since, and how God saved them. Jethro praises the Lord above all gods.

Moses spends the whole next day settling disputes among the Israelites. Jethro watches, tells Moses it is too much work for one man, and suggests he teach them God’s commands and appoint leaders different sized groups. Moses appoints these leaders who judge small disputes and only bring him difficult matters, which lessens his burden.

My Thoughts:

Organizational Structure: Jethro teaches Moses how to organize the Israelites into a more manageable structure and to delegate the work to lower leaders, so he does not have to spend his whole day settling disputes.

Asking for Help: Like Moses, it is sometimes hard for us to ask for help. We think we can do it ourselves, we can do it better, or we do not want to burden someone else. Normally we end up being overworked and stressed out.

Change your thinking and it can dramatically improve your life. The key is to switch from doer to teacher. Yes, you can do it yourself, but you could also give someone else an opportunity to learn a new skill and to shine. And, yes, you will definitely do it better, but just think how they will feel once they master it. Treat them like a toddler learning to walk though: let them do it on their own, expect them to make mistakes, and give them encouragement and praise for even little successes. Last, it is not a burden to learn a new skill that can be used for the rest of their life.

In the end, you will be less stressed and have have helped someone along the way.