Joseph’s Dreams (Gen 40-41)

Bible Summary:

Joseph is in the Egyptian prison for quite some time. The king’s wine steward and chief baker are sent to prison for offending the king. Joseph interprets their dreams and in three days they are released, the wine steward gains his position back, and the chief baker is executed, all as Joseph predicted.

Two years later the king of Egypt has two dreams but no one can interpret them. The wine steward mentions Joseph’s ability. Joseph interprets the king’s dreams to mean there will be seven years of abundance followed by seven years of severe famine. Joseph tells the king to store a fifth of the country’s grain during the good years for food during the famine. The king appoints Joseph as governor over all of Egypt.

For seven years they store grain in all the cities of Egypt. Then, famine strikes all the countries around Egypt as Joseph predicted, but Egypt has plenty of food. People from all over the world come to buy food from Egypt.

My Thoughts:

Serve and Be Rewarded: Joseph continues to serve others for 13 years after his brothers sold him into slavery and is ultimately rewarded with his freedom and the governorship of Egypt.

Save for Lean Times: Given the current slump in the world economy, this advice may seem a little too late, but should be remembered when good times return. Saving 20% like Joseph did for Egypt may be too much of a burden, but you should work towards at least saving 10% of your income. Consider it tithing to yourself.