Year of Restoration (Leviticus 25)

Bible Summary:

God tells Moses and the Israelites to rest the land of Canaan every seventh year instead of cultivating it. They can eat all the land produces, which will be enough since God will bless the land with a double harvest in the 6th year to last until the 8th year.

On the Day of Atonement each 49 years, Israelites proclaim the 50th year as the Year of Restoration, giving freedom to all people. All property previously sold is restored to the original owner or his descendants, and anyone sold as slave returned to his family. Land and slaves are sold fairly based on the number of years remaining to the next Restoration.


  • Houses sold in walled cities can only be bought back for the first year, otherwise they become permanent property of the new owners.
  • Levites have the right to buy back any of their property at any time.

Other Considerations:

  • If a neighbor becomes poor, you must give him a job, eliminate interest on his loans, and sell him food without making a profit.
  • If you need slaves, buy foreigners who will be slaves the rest of their lives. But, if an Israelite sells himself, he is freed at the next Year of Restoration.

My Thoughts:

Restoration: Moses created the Year of Restoration so the Israelites would never be permanent slaves again like they were in Egypt.

Care for the poor: Moses puts into law how people are to treat the poor. God gives them dignity by having you give them a job instead of a handout.