Sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9: 35-38)

Bible Summary:

Jesus visits all the towns, teaches in synagogues, preaches the Good News, and heals people of all diseases. He feels pity for so many helpless people, like sheep without a shepherd. He tells his disciples, “The harvest is large with so few workers. Pray to the owner to send out more workers.”

My Thoughts:

Misguided: people are so misguided in their lives, searching for more money, more cars, bigger houses, extra-marital affairs, … Always searching never satisfied. Jesus has pity on these lost sheep because a life without purpose, a real purpose is no life at all.

More Shepherds: The harvest Jesus speaks of is the crowd of people. He prays to God to send more shepherds, disciples to help guide so many lost sheep.

God Calls Moses (Ex 3)

Bible Summary:

One day while caring for sheep near Mount Sinai, Moses sees God in a flaming bush that is not consumed. God tells him to remove his sandals on this holy ground. Moses covers his face, afraid to look at God.

God tells Moses to rescue the Hebrews from the cruelty of Egyptian slavery and bring them to the land of their ancestors in Canaan. Moses asks how the king of Egypt will ever listen to him, he is nobody. God says He will be with Moses when he takes the Hebrew leaders to the king to request their release. God warns that the king will not free the Hebrews until He uses His power to punish the Egyptians. At that point the Egyptians will respect the Hebrews and give them the wealth of Egypt to carry away.

Moses asks God’s name and He answers, “I am.”

My Thoughts:

I AM: What else could God respond with than “I am”? How could He describe Himself to a human who does not have the capacity to understand the infinite? “I am” is the simplest answer that signifies God is all things, that He exists everywhere and in everything. He just is. But, it is more than that. “I am” means that God is there whether or not we can see Him or prove that He exists. “I am” also calls for belief and faith.

Meeting God: What would you do if you met God? Like the song I Can Only Imagine by Casting Crowns, would you dance or in awe be still, would you stand or fall to your knees, would you sing hallelujah or be able to speak at all? What would you ask him? What would he say?

Calling: Moses fled Egypt years before and is living a comfortable life when God appears and calls him to put his life on the line to help others. Moses asks how he could do such an incredible thing when he is just a “nobody”.

We all feel insignificant like Moses before God’s call, but every person, (yes, even you!) has potential to do great things. Don’t get caught up in everyday life and forget to truly live. Do something extraordinary, make a difference. Purpose gives so much more meaning to life that you are sure to live every day with joy.

So, find your calling. Pray. Talk to God. Listen to your inner voice. Look back at your life for those times when you were “in the zone”.  Times that gave you the most joy.  Look closely because that theme will lead you to your calling.