God Teaches Moses Miracles (Ex 4: 1-17)

Bible Summary:

Moses asks God how he will prove to the Israelites that He appeared. God teaches Moses three miracles to convince them: turning his walking stick into a snake and back, making his hand diseased and then healthy again, and turning water into blood.

Moses still does not want to go and claims he is a poor speaker. God says he will help with the right words. Moses objects again and asks God to send someone else. God becomes angry and suggests Moses speak through his brother Aaron.  God also tells Moses not to worry since all the people that wanted to kill him in Egypt are dead. So, with father-in-law Jethro’s approval, Moses leaves for Egypt with his wife and sons.

My Thoughts:

Calling: We rarely feel worthy of a great calling. We believe God expects too much. But ask yourself this question: what will I to do that will give meaning to my existence for all the days that I have lived? God pushed Moses and now he is working on you in the form of this message.  Take the chance on your calling now.

Public Speaking: Like Moses, most people’s greatest fear is standing in front of a crowd to give a speech. It is hard at first, but like anything it gets easier with practice.