Matthew follows Jesus (Matthew 9: 9-13)

Bible Summary:

Jesus meets and asks Matthew the tax collector to follow him. Matthew does right then. Later, Jesus and his disciples eat with outcasts at Matthew’s house. Some Pharisees ask the disciples how their teacher can eat with such people. Jesus overhears and says, “Only those who are sick need a doctor,” and quotes scripture, “It is kindness I want, not animal sacrifices.”

My Thoughts:

Letter of the Law: Jesus knows human nature, that the self-righteous will follow the letter of the law, so he focuses on the outcasts who need him. He jabs the Pharisees about showing a little kindness.

Follow your belief: Matthew drops everything to follow Jesus. How far would you go to follow your belief? Would you quit your job and follow a man you barely know with no guarantee to even have enough food to eat? I believe this gospel story teaches people to follow their convictions, which can give you freedom and strength.