Love and perseverance transcend generations

Spend time reading to your children. Show them love and encouragement. Most of all, persevere through adversity even if it takes three jobs to support your family. The lessons will carry on for a hundred generations or more. The example of your family can influence many people to come. Read more in the Love is the ultimate hero editorial at The Princeton Packet.

Jesus teaches to love your enemy (Matthew 5: 43-48)

Bible Summary:

Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. He says God makes sun and rain fall on good and bad people alike so we must become perfect and love everyone too.

My Thoughts:

Non-Violence Training: Jesus continues his non-violence training by going beyond the thought of not seeking revenge to actually loving your enemies. A small group of people cannot change the belief of the majority by force, but has a good chance by following the ways of Jesus.

Love Your Enemies: Now that is a hard pill to swallow. How can you love your enemy when they are causing you grief? Think how angry we get when someone cuts us off on the highway. But, loving your enemy is the only long-term solution. Retaliation causes retaliation and escalation. Instead, look for common ground with your enemy. Find something to talk about. Try to compliment them. The best scenario is to turn them into a friend, then you no longer have an enemy.

Flipping the Lens on Stereotyping: We should be very careful not to stereotype people because of the actions of a few. It was real easy to think badly about all Muslims because of a few extremists who orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, but most Muslims are actually very nice, Godly (“Allah” to them) people. Their religion also comes from Abraham and teaches their faithful to believe in Jesus as a messenger of God.

Saint Francis of Assisi

Saint Francis lived in Italy during the Dark Ages from 1182 to 1226. He was born into wealth and lived a carefree adolescence singing with the troubadours. After a couple stints of military duty, a serious illness, and a vision of Jesus telling him to repair his church which was falling into ruin, Saint Francis renounced his wealth, became a beggar, preached in the streets, and repaired old churches.

Many people followed Saint Francis and he ultimately established the Franciscan Order. As his health declined and his eyesight progressively worsened, he returned to his ascetic life in a hut and communed with nature. Birds were said to have landed on his arms and eaten from his hands. Later in life during a 40-day fast, he received the stigmata, wounds on his wrists, ankles, head and side that mimicked those of Christ. Learn more about Saint Francis of Assisi at Wikipedia.

Why is St. Francis one of my favorite people? To the dismay of his family and friends, Saint Francis renounced his wealth and did what Jesus called him to do. He accepted a hard life, one of an ascetic and his health suffered for it, but also a life of great purpose. This simple man initiated an order of the church that continues to do great things even to this day – 785 years after his death. Everything that Saint Francis did was out of love, so much so that even animals did not fear him.  He is considered the patron saint of animals and the environment.

So, when people question what you are doing with your life, even if it flies in the face of convention, tell them the story of Saint Francis. Follow Christ’s example and you too can make a difference for hundreds of years to come, even if just through your own family. Use the lyrics of the Prayer of Saint Francis to guide you.

Prayer of Saint Francis

Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me bring your love.
Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord,
And where there’s doubt, true faith in you.

Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there’s despair in life, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness only light,
And where there’s sadness ever joy.

Oh Master, grant that I may never seek,
So much to be consoled as to console.
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love with all my soul.

Make me a channel of your peace.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
In giving of ourselves that we receive,
And in dying that we’re born to eternal life.

Cool video by Angelina in Assisi on YouTube.
Another version by Sarah MacLachlan.

God Promises to Save the Israelites (Ex 5: 22-23, 6: 1-13)

Bible Summary:

Moses complains to God that the king of Egypt is treating the Israelites worse since their request and God is doing nothing to help. God says he will force the king to let them go, even drive them out of Egypt. He reaffirms His promise of the land of Canaan to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and that He will save their descendents, the Israelites.

Moses conveys God’s promise to the Israelites but they do not listen because of their broken spirits from cruel slavery. God tells Moses to talk to the king again, but Moses complains that the king will never listen. God commands Moses and Aaron to tell the Israelites and the king that He ordered them to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

My Thoughts:

Broken Spirit: A long period of cruel behavior can crush someone’s spirit to the point where they feel they cannot believe in anything. Losing faith is not easily rekindled. It takes baby steps and proof of success before a hint of belief can take root and then be nourished.

God Sends You: Everyone thinks God should show up and solve all the world’s problems, but He has – in you! He sent you to solve the world’s problems. I know it sounds like a heavy burden, but you in this case is plural. God asks everyone to work together to resolve the world’s ills. Collectively, we can make tremendous changes for good as long as we let love guide the way. Please commit yourself to moving the world in a positive direction, even in little ways.