God Defines More Laws (Exodus 22)

Bible Summary:

  1. Stealing sheep or cows can result in restitution up to five times the loss, and the thief can be sold as a slave if he cannot pay.
  2. A homeowner is innocent of killing a burglar at night, but guilty of murder if done during the day.
  3. If an animal strays and eats someone’s crops, the owner must repay the loss.
  4. If a fire gets out of control and destroys a neighbor’s crops, the fire starter must pay for the damages.
  5. If the money a man holds for another is stolen, he must make an oath at the place of worship that he did not steal it or face the penalty for stealing.
  6. If a man cares for another’s animals and they are stolen, he must repay the owner.
  7. If a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged, he must pay the bride price for her, even if the father refuses to allow him to marry her.
  8. Put to death, any woman practicing magic, any man having sex with animals, and anyone offering sacrifice to another god.
  9. Do not mistreat foreigners, widows or orphans.
  10. If you lend money to the poor, do not collect interest.
  11. All disputes are to be resolved at the place of worship.
  12. Do not speak evil of God.
  13. Do not curse the leader of your people.
  14. Give offerings of grain, wine, and olive oil when they are due.
  15. Give God your first-born sons, cattle, and sheep.

My Thoughts:

More Laws: These laws from 3500 years ago were likely the basis for our laws today.

Supporting Organized Religion: I believe this story announces the beginning of organized religion. All disputes are to be resolved at the place of worship, which were headed up by Moses’ appointed judges. People were to support these “priests” with regular offerings of grain, wine and olive oil.

First-born Interpretation: I do not read the first-born law literally, as in sacrificing them, but as giving the first-born sons into the priesthood and the animals for food.

God Gives First Laws (Exodus 21)

Bible Summary:

God gives Moses and the Israelites laws about treating slaves, handling violent acts, and responsibility for their animals.

Male slaves are to be freed after six years and can take their pre-slavery wives, but no others. Or, they can choose to stay with their family as slaves for life. A daughter sold as wife must be returned if the buyer does not like her. If a man takes a second wife, the first is to be treated fairly or set free.

These violent acts are punishable by death: deliberately killing another man, hitting or cursing parents, or kidnapping someone for sale or to keep as a slave.

These violent acts have lesser punishments: injuring another – pay for lost time and care until well; killing a fetus – pay what the woman’s husband demands, subject to a judge’s approval; harming a pregnant woman – punished with life for life, eye for eye, or wound for wound.

Owners are responsible for the actions of their animals and must pay restitution if an animal harms someone or another animal. Owners can be put to death if they had been previously warned and an animal kills someone.

My Thoughts:

First Laws: Once Moses assigned judges, he needed laws for everyone to follow and consequences if they did not. The first laws were for common disputes of the era over slaves, violent acts, and animals. No traffic laws just yet.

Social Norms: It is hard to believe the Israelites, just set free from Egyptian slavery, continued to keep their own slaves.  But, it was the social norm of the time. The patriarch owned the entire family and could sell them as he saw fit. All daughters were sold to husbands.

It makes you wonder what social norms we have that seem strange to others, like shaking hands, leaving a tip for a waiter, driving on the right, wearing ties to work, and of course silly ones like burping and passing gas.