New Wine in New Wineskins (Matthew 9:14-17)

Bible Summary:

Followers of John the Baptist ask Jesus why they and the Pharisees fast often but the disciples do not. Jesus tells them wedding guests need to be happy until the bridegroom is taken away, and then they will fast. He also says no one patches an old coat with new cloth since it would shrink and make a bigger hole, nor pours new wine in old wineskins that would burst. New wine in new wineskins keeps both in good condition.

My Thoughts:

Celebrate: Jesus says the disciples should celebrate while he is with them.

New Message: Jesus’ new message was not taken well by the establishment, so he focused on telling his new message (i.e. new wine) to new people (i.e. new wineskins), including Gentiles.

Jesus Begins to Preach (Matthew 4: 12-17)

Bible Summary:

Jesus hears that John the Baptist is imprisoned so he flees from Nazareth to Capernaum, near Lake Galilee. This location matches what prophet Isaiah foretold and is the land of the people who live in darkness that will see a great light, the Gentiles. Jesus begins to preach his message, “Turn away from your sins, because the Kingdom of heaven is near.”

My Thoughts:

Prophecies: Jesus matching so many prophecies (born in Bethlehem, flees to Egypt so they can say he came out of Egypt, lives in Nazareth, moves to Galilee) sure seems too convenient, like Matthew “fit” Jesus into the criteria of the Messiah.

The Message: Jesus begins preaching in Galilee, telling people to turn away from their sinful behavior in his campaign to teach people to be kind to each other and do right.

People do not like to be told they are wrong and especially when they are doing wrong, even though in their hearts they know it is true. Take a look today, inside at the thoughts that come up and outside at the things that are done or said. Be the witness to your own behavior and decide if you have room for improvement. I know I have areas where I continue to struggle, so keep the faith and with God’s help we can beat them together. Peace.

John baptizes Jesus (Matthew 3: 13-17)

Bible Summary:

Jesus arrives at the Jordan River to be baptized by John. John says he should be baptized by him instead. Jesus tells him to continue as God requires. John agrees and baptizes him. As Jesus comes up from the water, the heavens open and the Holy Spirit descends on him. Then God says from heaven, “This is my Son, with whom I am pleased.”

My Thoughts:

Within a couple of pages, Matthew’s story of Jesus jumps from birth in Bethlehem to rebirth in adulthood through baptism in the Jordan River. One is the birth into the realm of our physical world and the other a birth into the spiritual world.

I believe we make the transition from childhood to adulthood at the point that we experience this connection with the spiritual world.

  • It is the time that we realize life is more than our job, our possessions, our wants and our needs.
  • It is the time that we truly see the beauty in everything and everyone around us.
  • It is the time that we look around and see how we can make this a better place.
  • It is the time that we stop pushing others aside and give them a hand instead.
  • It is the time that we realize we are part of a greater good, a greater being.
  • It is the time when we are filled with joy and harmony and nothing can take its place.

And, God is pleased.

John the Baptist (Matthew 3: 1-12)

Bible Summary:

John the Baptist preaches in the desert telling people to turn away from their sins since “the Kingdom of heaven is near.” The people come from all around Jerusalem to confess their sins and be baptized in the Jordan River.

John chastises the Pharisees and Sadducees for coming to be baptized, telling them to act without sin and not hide behind God’s covenant with Abraham.

He later tells people he baptizes them in water as they repent, but another will come to baptize them in the Holy Spirit, one that is much greater such that John is not worth to carry his sandals.

My Thoughts:

Repent Sins: John admonishes everyone to stop doing bad things. You cannot just say you are going to change or hide behind being absolved through confession. You must act without sin.

Proclaim the Coming of Christ: John proclaims someone greater than he is coming. He is a very humble and does not take advantage of his position after drawing an audience.

Baptize with Water and the Holy Spirit: Water is one of the purest things on the earth, the thing that sustains all life. The Holy Spirit is often shown as light coming down on a person. Water can cleanse us from our sins but only if we truly “see” them by the light of the Holy Spirit.