Believe: Tebow wins with 316 passing yards

The big question is – would God really favor one football team? He seems to as Tim Tebow put up 316 passing yards yesterday to beat the Pittsburgh Steelers in the NFL wild card playoff game in “Mile High” stadium.

The 316 yards matches an often quoted Gospel passage John 3:16 which reads, “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die, but have eternal life.”

I watched most of the game on TV and caught a glimpse of a sign held by a Denver fan which read “Believe, Believe, Believe” and Denver fans are believing today. I mean, what are the chances? Going into overtime, Tebow needed 80 yards passing to reach the 316 number and got it in one strike to Demaryius Thomas to seal the win.

Look out New England Patriots, you never know what God has in store this Saturday.