Jesus heals those with faith (Matthew 9:18-26)

Bible Summary:

A Jewish official kneels before Jesus and pleads for him to place his hands on his daughter who just died. Jesus and his disciples follow the official. Along the way, a woman who suffered from bleeding for 12 years touches Jesus’ cloak. Jesus tells her to have courage and her faith makes her immediately well. At the official’s house, he tells the funeral group to leave since the little girl is not dead but only sleeping. They make fun of him as they leave. Jesus goes to the girl, holds her hand, and then she gets up. The news of this spreads everywhere.

My Thoughts:

Faith: Jesus rewards people who have the faith that they can be healed. Faith is believing in something when there is no proof it can happen. It can carry you through taunts of others who do not understand. Faith is believing so much that you push a bit harder and with a little help from above everything comes to be.