Joseph’s Brothers Buy Grain (Gen 42)

Bible Summary:

During the famine, Jacob learns of the grain in Egypt, so sends all his sons except Benjamin to buy some so the family will not starve. Joseph’s half-brothers show up in Egypt to buy the grain and unknowingly bow to Joseph, since he has changed from the teenager they sold into slavery twenty years prior. Joseph says they are spies. Reuben whispers to his brothers that they are being paid back for Joseph’s death (he never knew Joseph was sold). Joseph understands, leaves, cries, composes himself, and returns. He keeps Simeon as a prisoner and sends the others back with grain to get their youngest brother as proof they are not spies.

The brothers are scared when they find their money on top of the full grain sacks Joseph provided. Upon their return to Canaan, they tell Jacob the whole story. He says Simeon and Joseph are already lost and he does not wish to lose any more children, especially Benjamin. Reuben says he will take Benjamin and guard him with his life and offers his two sons as collateral. Jacob says Benjamin is his only son left and would die if something happens to him.

My Thoughts:

Accepting God’s Will: Jacob favors one wife’s sons, Joseph and Benjamin, over the rest because she was his true love. Reuben, the true first born, accepts his father’s will so much that he tried to save Joseph years ago and now offers to guard Benjamin. Accept God’s will and you will gain peace and happiness.  Let Him lead the way.

Mixed Families: Divorce is the norm today. More divorces (33) were requested in Columbus, Ohio yesterday than births (22). Divorce leads to remarriage and in many cases mixed families, children from different families living together. This arrangement is a challenge for parents and kids alike. The most difficult scenario is the lone child shared between two families. Dealing with two parenting styles is hard enough but this child has four. Many cases are shared parenting, so this child does not feel a part of either family, just a burden to both.

If you are this lone child, know that God loves you and wants you to be strong. He put you in this position because He has great things planned for you.

Dream Comes True: Joseph’s dreams about the family bowing to him finally come true. It took twenty years, but his perseverance pays off. Keep at your dreams and they will come true – some day.  Believe!

Isaac Blesses Jacob (Gen 27)

Bible Summary:

Old and blind Isaac sends his eldest son Esau out to hunt for a tasty dinner after which Isaac will give him his blessing.  Isaac’s wife Rebecca overhears and helps their younger son Jacob disguise himself as Esau so he can receive the blessing instead.  She even agrees to accept any curse if the deceit is discovered.

Isaac does not believe Jacob is Esau, so tests him in several ways.  With Rebecca’s help, Jacob passes all the tests and Isaac gives him his final blessing.

Esau returns and discovers he has been cheated out of his blessing.  Esau cries and pleads for any blessing from Isaac.  Isaac says the blessing is final and forever, that Esau is now Jacob slave along with all their other relatives, and that Esau will “live by the sword, be his brother slave, rebel, and break away from his control.”

Esau hates Jacob and plots to kill him when their father dies.  Rebecca overhears the plan and tells Jacob to live with her brother Laban far away until Esau cools off.

My Thoughts:

Is Deceit Good? Okay, on the surface, this story is right out of a Hollywood film, with favoritism, deceit, lies, mother and brother against father and brother, and revenge.  It makes for a captivating story, but what is the lesson?  Is deceit really good?  It seems to work well for Jacob.  Do you need to be cunning and do whatever it takes, even against your brother, so you can get ahead?

Following God’s Will:  Rebecca is the instigator in this story. She listens to other peoples’ conversations and guides Jacob into deceiving father and brother even though he knows it is wrong.  However, maybe Rebecca is just following God’s will. In Genesis 25, she is told by God that “the older will serve the younger”. Maybe this is why she takes extra care of Jacob and makes sure he receives the power God intended.

Verbal Contracts are Binding: Isaac sticks by his word even though he gave the blessing to the wrong person through deception.  Maybe Esau should have stuck to his word and told his father about selling his birthright to Jacob.

You know, if our word was our bond today, then we would not have hundred page legal documents for every transaction between people.  Of course, no one likes to get deceived either!

Family can be tough: Boy, you thought your family was bad.  No matter how bad things are, you can always find someone else in a worse situation, like Esau.  Be thankful for your blessings.

Self-Help Tip: I think Rebecca has a great tip for Jacob to leave until Esau cools off.  This can also work the other way: if you are angry, you can go to another room or leave until you cool off.

NOTE: no matter how much I try to be objective, I still don’t like the deceit, especially against family members, in this story!