Jesus says to focus on riches in heaven (Matthew 6: 19-23)

Bible Summary:

Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount to store up riches in heaven instead of the ones on earth that can be destroyed or stolen. He says, “Your heart will always be where your riches are” and your eyes are a lamp of your body, so see light and your body will not be in darkness.

My Thoughts:

You receive what you focus on: Focus on money and you will receive money, but maybe at a high price – sacrifice of your family, your honor, and your soul. Storing up riches in heaven means casting aside the concern for money and focusing instead on making life better for as many other people as possible.

Enough: So, know when you have enough – food, shelter, clothes, and other possessions – to live in this world, and then focus all of your time on doing good. It will make all the difference in your life.

Oprah proud of her first South African graduates

Oprah’s girl school in South Africa graduates 72 disadvantaged young women. The whole class is now headed to university, most at home but some abroad in the United States. “There are a lot of people … who lower their expectations and think that if you come from a disadvantaged background … you have a disadvantaged brain. I know that is not true,” says Oprah.

I completely agree with Oprah. Everyone, let me repeat, everyone has potential to do great things. Read the full First class graduates from Oprah’s South Africa school story at Reuters.

Jesus teaches to do charity anonymously (Matthew 6: 1-6)

Bible Summary:

Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount to do religious duties and charitable works privately such that even your closest friends do not know about it.

My Thoughts:

Public Display of Charity: I wrote yesterday about a woman who did 26 random acts of kindness in a day. She posted her experience on Facebook “to inspire more people,” but according to Jesus the woman “will not have any reward from your Father in heaven” because she did the acts publicly. At first, I was thinking the same thing – that she did it for attention, especially handing out balloons to kids in front of Target! But, at the end of her project she posted a summary of what she learned, including tearing up at another woman’s really thankful response to paying for her groceries. So, I think the kindness made its impact on the giver too.

Piousness: I think Jesus was warning everyone about piousness – tell them to not go to church or do charitable works just to show others you are better than them. These are private affairs between you and God that should make you feel good inside just for the doing.

Even though it is best to do good privately, it is better to do them any way you see fit than not at all. So, do not let this warning hamper you from doing an act of kindness directly to someone or in front of others, just don’t brag about it!

Jesus says you are like salt and light (Matthew 5: 13-16)

Bible Summary:

Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount they are like salt for all mankind and a light for the whole world. “Your light must shine before people, so they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven”

My Thoughts:

Salt and Light: Salt brings out the goodness in foods during cooking. Light shines for all to see. Salt also preserves foods for a long time. So, show your goodness for all to see. Be the example they can follow to preserve mankind forever.

Moses Appoints Judges (Exodus 18)

Bible Summary:

Moses’ father-in-law Jethro brings Moses’ wife and two sons to Mount Sinai. Moses tells Jethro all about what happened in Egypt, the hardships the Israelites have endured since, and how God saved them. Jethro praises the Lord above all gods.

Moses spends the whole next day settling disputes among the Israelites. Jethro watches, tells Moses it is too much work for one man, and suggests he teach them God’s commands and appoint leaders different sized groups. Moses appoints these leaders who judge small disputes and only bring him difficult matters, which lessens his burden.

My Thoughts:

Organizational Structure: Jethro teaches Moses how to organize the Israelites into a more manageable structure and to delegate the work to lower leaders, so he does not have to spend his whole day settling disputes.

Asking for Help: Like Moses, it is sometimes hard for us to ask for help. We think we can do it ourselves, we can do it better, or we do not want to burden someone else. Normally we end up being overworked and stressed out.

Change your thinking and it can dramatically improve your life. The key is to switch from doer to teacher. Yes, you can do it yourself, but you could also give someone else an opportunity to learn a new skill and to shine. And, yes, you will definitely do it better, but just think how they will feel once they master it. Treat them like a toddler learning to walk though: let them do it on their own, expect them to make mistakes, and give them encouragement and praise for even little successes. Last, it is not a burden to learn a new skill that can be used for the rest of their life.

In the end, you will be less stressed and have have helped someone along the way.

God Promises to Save the Israelites (Ex 5: 22-23, 6: 1-13)

Bible Summary:

Moses complains to God that the king of Egypt is treating the Israelites worse since their request and God is doing nothing to help. God says he will force the king to let them go, even drive them out of Egypt. He reaffirms His promise of the land of Canaan to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and that He will save their descendents, the Israelites.

Moses conveys God’s promise to the Israelites but they do not listen because of their broken spirits from cruel slavery. God tells Moses to talk to the king again, but Moses complains that the king will never listen. God commands Moses and Aaron to tell the Israelites and the king that He ordered them to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

My Thoughts:

Broken Spirit: A long period of cruel behavior can crush someone’s spirit to the point where they feel they cannot believe in anything. Losing faith is not easily rekindled. It takes baby steps and proof of success before a hint of belief can take root and then be nourished.

God Sends You: Everyone thinks God should show up and solve all the world’s problems, but He has – in you! He sent you to solve the world’s problems. I know it sounds like a heavy burden, but you in this case is plural. God asks everyone to work together to resolve the world’s ills. Collectively, we can make tremendous changes for good as long as we let love guide the way. Please commit yourself to moving the world in a positive direction, even in little ways.