Jesus heals paralyzed man (Matthew 9: 1-8)

Bible Summary:

Jesus returns to his home town across the lake by boat where some people bring him a paralyzed man. They have such faith, so he forgives the man’s sins. Teachers of the Law whisper about this blasphemy. Jesus asks them why they are thinking such evil, and then proves his authority as the “Son of Man” by telling the man to “get up and walk” and he does.

My Thoughts:

Faith: it is amazing how faith can change anyone’s life. If you believe things will get better, they will.

Moses keeps the light on all night (Leviticus 24: 1-9)

Bible Summary:

God tells Moses to command the people of Israel to bring pure olive oil to keep the lamps in the Tent burning all night each night, plus to make twelve loaves of bread to offer to God each Sabbath for all time to come.

My Thoughts:

Ceremony: As part of my son’s religious education, we visited a synagogue. I remember being amazed at how close their ceremony was to the Catholic Church. As I read the Bible, I realize that much of what Christians celebrate today came from the time of Moses, passed on from Jesus and his disciples to the church.

Jesus casts out demons (Matthew 8: 28-34)

Bible Summary:

Jesus goes to Gadara and meets two men with demons. They scream, “What do you want from us, Son of God?” Jesus cast the demons out and into a herd of pigs, which rush into the lake and drown. The pig farmers tell everyone in town what happened. They meet Jesus and beg him to leave.

My Thoughts:

Anger: Jesus clears the men’s anger issues in one conversation. The town people are not grateful, likely because Jesus was going against the Laws of Moses, plus they feared his ability to control demons. It would be great if psychiatrist could heal patients pain in one conversation, but it could take years.

James Cameron to dive Mariana Trench

James Cameron is more than a filmmaker (“Avatar” and “Titanic”); he is also an explorer. Cameron plans to dive seven miles into the Pacific’s Mariana Trench in a “Deep sea Challenge” also sponsored by National Geographic and Rolex.  We continue to explore the far reaches of this planet we call home. Read more in the James Cameron plans deep sea dive in Pacific story at Reuters.

Jesus calms the storm (Matthew 8: 23-27)

Bible Summary:

Jesus and the disciples enter a boat. A storm hits and the disciples wake him to save them. Jesus says they have little faith and then calms the storm to their amazement.

My Thoughts:

Miracles: We cannot scientifically verify Jesus’ miracles and none have been repeated in 2000 years since his death. He has not returned. Is this all just a hoax by the church?

Faith: You may have these questions, but the real message of this passage is faith, even when the storms of your life are swirling around you. Believe in God and he will help calm your storms. Hang in there!

Religious Festivals (Leviticus 23)

Bible Summary:

God gives Moses festival regulations. Normally you have six days to work and a seventh to rest and worship. He proclaims these festivals in addition to the Sabbath responsibilities:

  • Passover begins at sunset on the 14th day of the 1st month. For seven days only eat unleavened bread. On the 1st and 7th days worship and do not work, otherwise give an offering to God each day. The priest shall present the 1st harvest offering the day after the Sabbath as 1 burnt lamb, 4 pounds of flour mixed with oil, and 1 quart of wine.
  • Harvest festival begins 50 days after the 1st Sabbath. Each family presents another grain offering of 2 loaves of bread made from 4 pounds of flour with yeast. The community offers 7 lambs, 1 bull, and 2 goats as burnt offerings to God with the grain (bread) and wine. They present 1 goat for sin offering plus 2 lambs for the fellowship offering. During harvest, do not cut the edges and leave anything left for the poor and foreigners.
  • New Year Festival begins the 1st day of 7th month to observe a special day of rest and present a food offering.
  • Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) begins at sunset of the 9th day of the 7th month as the annual ritual to take away everyone’s sins and continues through sunset of the 10th day. Do not eat all day or God will put you to death. Gather to worship and present a food offering.
  • Festival of Shelters begins the 15th day of the 7th month for a week. Worship and do not work on the 1st day, take the best fruit to celebrate. The next 7 days, live in shelters and offer food. On the 8th day, worship, do not work, and offer food.

My Thoughts:

Celebrate: We learn one of the key things in life (and business), to take periodic breaks from the daily grind to celebrate and give thanks.

Chocolate good for the heart

We all know that chocolate is good for the heart when a loved one gives us some at Valentine’s Day, Easter, Christmas, or just because, but now clinical studies have shown that chocolate can actually help your heart.  Chocolate reduce your blood pressure and lower insulin levels.  The full Chocolate may be good for your heart: study story at Reuters cautions that the study was pulled from several clinical tests and does not state how much chocolate is good for us.  Sign me up for the long-term testing.