Jacob Moves to Egypt (Gen 46)

Bible Summary:

God tells Jacob not to fear, to take his family of seventy to Egypt and He will bring them back to Canaan. After more than twenty years apart, Jacob and Joseph hug and cry upon meeting. Jacob says he can die now he has seen Joseph alive.

Joseph tells his brothers to tell the king of Egypt they care for livestock, but they say they are shepherds instead. The king offers them the best pastures of Goshen and says they can help care for his livestock. Joseph then presents his 130-year-old father Jacob to the king. Jacob gives the king a blessing.

My Thoughts:

Miracles Can Happen: I am sure Jacob believes in miracles as soon as he glimpses Joseph after grieving his death for so many years. Miracles happen across the globe every day. Feel free to share yours.

Joseph Helps His Family (Gen 44-45)

Bible Summary:

Joseph sends his brothers away with full sacks of grain and secretly all their money plus a silver cup in Benjamin’s sack. His servant follows to question the brothers about stealing the cup. They all deny it, but the cup is found and Benjamin is ordered to stay. The brothers return to Joseph and Judah tries to negotiate Benjamin’s release because their father Jacob has already lost one son and would just die without Benjamin.

Joseph can no longer control his feelings so he sends his servants from the room and confesses his true identity. The brothers are so terrified they are speechless. Joseph calms them by saying God really sent him ahead to become ruler of Egypt to save people’s lives from the famine, including their family. He embraces each of them and cries for joy with Benjamin.

The news reaches the king and he tells Joseph to move his family from Canaan to Egypt to survive the last five years of the famine. He gives them wagons to move everyone. The brothers arrive back in Canaan with the stunning news of Joseph. When he can finally speak, Jacob tells them the only thing he would like before he dies is to see Joseph.

My Thoughts:

Forgiveness: Joseph tries to trick his brothers into leaving Benjamin but is overwhelmed by the possibility of his father dying over it. He does an incredible thing and forgives his brothers for selling him into slavery over twenty years prior. His forgiveness is possible from his everlasting faith in God having a plan for him, even though it took many years to fulfill. God has a plan for you. Be purposeful in all you do.

Jacob Gives Up Benjamin (Gen 43)

Bible Summary:

Jacob’s family finishes all the grain, so he tells his sons to return to Egypt for more. Reuben says Benjamin must go or they will receive no grain. Jacob finally gives in since they are all starving and tells his sons to bring double the money, to repay the returned money from their first trip, and gifts.

Joseph invites his brothers over to his house to eat. They bow to him and present their gifts. Joseph gets emotional over seeing Benjamin and has to leave the room to collect himself. Joseph’s brothers are surprised to realize they are seated in birth order. They are at a separate table, since Egyptians consider Hebrews beneath them. Benjamin is given five times more food than the rest.

My Thoughts:

Needs of the Many: The famine gets so bad that Jacob is willing to risk his beloved son Benjamin to feed everyone. He finally reaches the point where, as Spock in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan said, “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” His love for Benjamin, especially after the loss of his wife Rachel and presumably Joseph, is so deep that you can feel his anguish in the full Bible text. A parent’s love holds no bounds!

Joseph’s Brothers Buy Grain (Gen 42)

Bible Summary:

During the famine, Jacob learns of the grain in Egypt, so sends all his sons except Benjamin to buy some so the family will not starve. Joseph’s half-brothers show up in Egypt to buy the grain and unknowingly bow to Joseph, since he has changed from the teenager they sold into slavery twenty years prior. Joseph says they are spies. Reuben whispers to his brothers that they are being paid back for Joseph’s death (he never knew Joseph was sold). Joseph understands, leaves, cries, composes himself, and returns. He keeps Simeon as a prisoner and sends the others back with grain to get their youngest brother as proof they are not spies.

The brothers are scared when they find their money on top of the full grain sacks Joseph provided. Upon their return to Canaan, they tell Jacob the whole story. He says Simeon and Joseph are already lost and he does not wish to lose any more children, especially Benjamin. Reuben says he will take Benjamin and guard him with his life and offers his two sons as collateral. Jacob says Benjamin is his only son left and would die if something happens to him.

My Thoughts:

Accepting God’s Will: Jacob favors one wife’s sons, Joseph and Benjamin, over the rest because she was his true love. Reuben, the true first born, accepts his father’s will so much that he tried to save Joseph years ago and now offers to guard Benjamin. Accept God’s will and you will gain peace and happiness.  Let Him lead the way.

Mixed Families: Divorce is the norm today. More divorces (33) were requested in Columbus, Ohio yesterday than births (22). Divorce leads to remarriage and in many cases mixed families, children from different families living together. This arrangement is a challenge for parents and kids alike. The most difficult scenario is the lone child shared between two families. Dealing with two parenting styles is hard enough but this child has four. Many cases are shared parenting, so this child does not feel a part of either family, just a burden to both.

If you are this lone child, know that God loves you and wants you to be strong. He put you in this position because He has great things planned for you.

Dream Comes True: Joseph’s dreams about the family bowing to him finally come true. It took twenty years, but his perseverance pays off. Keep at your dreams and they will come true – some day.  Believe!

What is Success?

To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty;

To find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by
a healthy child, a garden patch
or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed
easier because you have lived;

This is to have Succeeded.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Joseph’s Dreams (Gen 40-41)

Bible Summary:

Joseph is in the Egyptian prison for quite some time. The king’s wine steward and chief baker are sent to prison for offending the king. Joseph interprets their dreams and in three days they are released, the wine steward gains his position back, and the chief baker is executed, all as Joseph predicted.

Two years later the king of Egypt has two dreams but no one can interpret them. The wine steward mentions Joseph’s ability. Joseph interprets the king’s dreams to mean there will be seven years of abundance followed by seven years of severe famine. Joseph tells the king to store a fifth of the country’s grain during the good years for food during the famine. The king appoints Joseph as governor over all of Egypt.

For seven years they store grain in all the cities of Egypt. Then, famine strikes all the countries around Egypt as Joseph predicted, but Egypt has plenty of food. People from all over the world come to buy food from Egypt.

My Thoughts:

Serve and Be Rewarded: Joseph continues to serve others for 13 years after his brothers sold him into slavery and is ultimately rewarded with his freedom and the governorship of Egypt.

Save for Lean Times: Given the current slump in the world economy, this advice may seem a little too late, but should be remembered when good times return. Saving 20% like Joseph did for Egypt may be too much of a burden, but you should work towards at least saving 10% of your income. Consider it tithing to yourself.

Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife (Gen 39)

Bible Summary:

Joseph is a very successful slave to Potiphar, one of the Egyptian king’s guards, and is put in charge of everything in his household. Potiphar’s wife seduces Joseph but he continually declines. She entraps Joseph by snaring his robe and telling her husband he tried to rape her. Joseph is sent to prison, but soon becomes responsible for everything there.

My Thoughts:

Confidence: No matter how bad things get, Joseph keeps his head. I believe his confidence comes from knowing that God has a plan for him.

Service: Joseph serves others and is rewarded with more responsibility each time. He must be a great manager to be put in charge wherever he lands.

Jacob’s Son Judah (Gen 38)

Bible Summary:

About the time Joseph is sold, his brother Judah leaves, marries, and has three sons: Er, Onan, and Shelah. Er marries Tamar but is killed before they have children, so Judah tells Onan to sleep with her to fulfill his brotherly obligation. Onan spills his semen on the ground knowing the children will not be his. Onan dies too, so Judah sends Tamar to her father until Shelah grows up.

Years later, Judah’s wife dies and he mourns her. With face covered, Tamar disguises herself as a prostitute on the street and sleeps with Judah. A few months later, Judah is told that Tamar is a pregnant whore. Judah orders her death, but Tamar proves that he is the father. He agrees he has failed in his obligation to give her Shelah to marry.

Tamar gives birth to twins. An arm comes out first, so the midwife ties a red thread around it. Zerah pulls his arm back in and his brother Perez is born first instead.

My Thoughts:

Family Obligations: Once there was a young couple who had a heated battle over where to spend the holidays between their families. They finally agree on a schedule and everything smoothes out between them. A week later, his mother calls crying about Uncle Jim who just passed away. The young couple argues over fitting the funeral, a four hour drive away, in for a great-uncle they barely knew. They decide not to attend.

Thanksgiving comes and goes with little fanfare, then a week before Christmas his mother calls, “I almost forgot to tell you, we won’t be home for Christmas.” He asks, “Why’s that?” She says, “Well, Uncle Jim gave everyone who attended his funeral $50,000 plus a two-week cruise. We’re all leaving Christmas Eve.”

Family obligations can be difficult to deal with – from holidays and weddings to funerals and caring for disabled members. Approach them each with love and you will be surprised how much easier they will pass for all. And, you never know what might happen.

Brothers Sell Joseph (Gen 37)

Bible Summary:

Joseph, Jacob’s first son by his cherished wife Rachel though twelfth of thirteen overall, turns seventeen. Jacob makes him a special robe, which proves to his brothers he is the favorite. Joseph’s half-brothers hate him even more after he reports bad things to father and later tells them of two dream where the family bows to him.

One day, Jacob sends Joseph after his brothers tending flocks in Shechem. Joseph catches up to them in Dothan, but his brothers see him coming and plot to kill him. Reuben tries to save Joseph and talks the other brothers into throwing him into a dry well instead. Upon seeing some travelers, the brothers decide to profit from Joseph, pull him out of the well, and sell him.

The Midianite traders take Joseph to Egypt and sells him to the king’s captain of the guard while the brothers deceive Jacob with Joseph’s robe soaked in goat’s blood. Jacob thinks Joseph has been killed by a wild animal. He tears his clothes off, puts on a sackcloth, and says he will mourn Joseph until he dies.

My Thoughts:

Fairness: Once there was a family get-together and everyone sat around a table talking. Mother got up, left, and returned with a cake. She asked each person if they would like some. One was watching her sugar and another was pretty full from dinner so they took small pieces. One was on a diet and another did not like the flavor so they declined a piece. One only liked frosting so asked for a corner. One took a large piece. The last two and mother had average size pieces. A third of the cake was wrapped up and stored in the freezer for later.

Most pieces were not the same and some people went without, but all were satisfied.

MLK Memorial

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial was dedicated in Washington, D.C. yesterday (10/16/2011). I’m writing about this event since Dr. King has been one of my heroes. He fought for freedom in America and is a symbol of standing up, in a non-violent way, for what is right.

I was surprised to see a sculpture so stubborn, almost angry with crossed arms and a slightly furrowed brow, in a Stone of Hope when I always thought of Dr. King as a beacon of hope, more like a lighthouse or the eternal flame at President John F. Kennedy’s Memorial (see Washington Post MLK Memorial picture). I thought I would see something like Dr. King giving the I Have A Dream speech, showing the great orator passionately insisting that each person act, through non-violence, to uphold freedom and justice for all people (see MLK I Have A Dream picture).