Scientists in Pursuit of God Particle

Scientists have been in pursuit of the “God particle”, more scientifically named Higgs Boson, since Peter Higgs posited the theory in 1964 that this smallest particle gives form to all other particles to create all matter in the universe, including us.  Higgs rejects any religious explanation of the origin of the universe, but the questions still stand: what existed before the Big Bang created the universe and what made it explode into the universe we live in today?  God is the only thing I can imagine.  Find out more in The Higgs boson: vital to life but is it there? story at Reuters.

John the Baptist (Matthew 3: 1-12)

Bible Summary:

John the Baptist preaches in the desert telling people to turn away from their sins since “the Kingdom of heaven is near.” The people come from all around Jerusalem to confess their sins and be baptized in the Jordan River.

John chastises the Pharisees and Sadducees for coming to be baptized, telling them to act without sin and not hide behind God’s covenant with Abraham.

He later tells people he baptizes them in water as they repent, but another will come to baptize them in the Holy Spirit, one that is much greater such that John is not worth to carry his sandals.

My Thoughts:

Repent Sins: John admonishes everyone to stop doing bad things. You cannot just say you are going to change or hide behind being absolved through confession. You must act without sin.

Proclaim the Coming of Christ: John proclaims someone greater than he is coming. He is a very humble and does not take advantage of his position after drawing an audience.

Baptize with Water and the Holy Spirit: Water is one of the purest things on the earth, the thing that sustains all life. The Holy Spirit is often shown as light coming down on a person. Water can cleanse us from our sins but only if we truly “see” them by the light of the Holy Spirit.

God’s Anointing Oil and Incense (Exodus 30)

Bible Summary:

God instructs Moses to:

  • Make an altar where Aaron is to burn incense every morning and evening.
  • Collect a tax from every man during census for upkeep of the holy Tent. Each man is to pay the same whether rich or poor.
  • Make a bronze basin for the priests to wash their hands and feet before entering the holy Tent.
  • Mix the spices myrrh, cinnamon, cane, and cassia with olive oil to make sacred oil to anoint the Tent and everything in it.
  • Blend equal parts of the spices stacte, onycha, galbanum, and frankincense to make the holy incense.

My Thoughts:

Taxes: So, basically this chapter of Exodus says God created the first tax!

God or Coincidence: The last bible study topic was about wise men giving baby Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh and this Exodus story describes what frankincense and myrrh were for. Coincidence or did God have a hand in the timing? When I was younger I would have said this was a coincidence, but now that I have experienced so many of these in my life I know that God is with me.

Follow your instincts: A few chapters back I struggled about jumping ahead to the New Testament. I think I found my answer. Follow your instincts and see where they lead you.

Dalai Lama’s “Beyond Religion” book

Martin Sheen narrates the Dalai Lama’s new book Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World.  The Dalai Lama is a modern-day prophet who transcends all religions and “is a reflection of the Gospels” according to Sheen.  Read the whole Book Talk: Sheen “nourished” by narrating Dalai Lama’s book story at Reuters.

Note: the Reuters story includes a free download of the Dalai Lama’s book from until December 20th. I plan to listen to his book.

Baby Jesus and Wise Men (Matthew 2)

Bible Summary:

Jesus is born in Bethlehem. Wise men follow a star to Jerusalem. King Herod learns of Jesus’ birth and plots to have the wise men lead him to the baby. The wise men find baby Jesus and present him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. God warns them about Herod, so they leave by another road.

An angel warns Joseph about Herod, so they escape to Egypt. Herod realizes the wise men tricked him, so he orders the death of all boys two and younger in Bethlehem, which fulfills the prophecy about Rachel weeping for her children.

After King Herod dies, God tells Joseph to return to the land of Israel. Joseph is afraid to learn that Herod’s son has succeeded him, so God guides him to Nazareth in the province of Galilee, fulfilling the prophecy that the Messiah will be a Nazarene.

My Thoughts:

Wise Men: This story conflicts with all the nativity scenes and stories that have the wise men show up right at the birth of Jesus instead of two years later. Must be poetic license.

These Magi came from “the East”, which was likely Mesopotamia where Abraham was from or possibly Persia.

Jesus similar to Moses: Jesus miraculously survives the killing of all the baby boys in Bethlehem like Moses survived the King of Egypt’s edict to kill all the Hebrew babies (see the Israelites Grow Numerous in Egypt  and Moses is Born stories in Exodus).

SpaceX headed to the space station

SpaceX has been cleared by NASA as the first commercial company to fly to the International Space Station on February 7, 2012. Hopefully this is the beginning of a new era of space development.  I believe entrepreneurship can lead to some great discoveries in space which will speed up development, just like after Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas.  Learn more about SpaceX’s plans in the NASA clears SpaceX for trial run to space station story at Reuters.

God Establishes Priesthood (Exodus 26,27,28,29)

Bible Summary:

God gives Moses detailed instructions on how to build the sacred tent and altar so people can worship Him. God then tells Moses to call and ordain his brother Aaron and sons to become priests to the people of Israel. He also describes the garments the priests are to wear, including a breastplate engraved with the names of the tribes of Israel so God will always remember His people. The people are to give a daily offering to God.

My Thoughts:

Priesthood: God established the priesthood to help people remember to worship Him. Some people say man created the priesthood to control people and collect “offerings” that benefit themselves. Sure, there have been periods of control, like the Inquisition, and some cases of individuals taking advantage of their role, but I believe the religious establishment does well at educating the people to act kindly towards each other and truly be a community. They also help us grieve, support the poor, and give us hope. I would like to thank all the religious leaders around the globe for all they do. Thank you!

Paralympian cured, eyes Olympics

What an amazing story! Monique van der Vorst was paralyzed at age 13 and went on to win two silver medals in the 2008 Beijing Paralympics at age 24.  But, that is just the beginning of this incredible story. In a freak accident last year, Monique was struck by a bicycle while training for the 2012 Paralympics and miraculously regained feeling in her feet.  Seventeen months later, she just signed on with the Rabobank women’s professional cycling team with the goal of cycling in the 2016 Rio Olympics.  Read the full Paralympian eyes Olympic glory after “miracle” crash story at Reuters.