Space Station Cooperation Continues

I am so glad to see the countries continuing to cooperate with the International Space Station as Russia sends astronauts from Russia, Europe and the U.S. into space again, especially given all the unrest and rioting around the world these days.  I sure wish there could be peace everywhere.  Read the Multinational crew blasts off for space station story at Reuters for more details.

Jesus calls, preaches, and heals (Matthew 4: 18-25)

Bible Summary:

Jesus walks along Lake Galilee, sees two brothers Simon Peter and Andrew catching fish, and tells them to join him so they can catch men. They leave at once with Jesus. Later, they meet James and John readying their nets in a boat with their father Zebedee. Jesus calls them and they too leave with him.

Jesus preaches the Good News all over Galilee and heals people of many diseases. News spreads throughout Syria and people bring him all who are sick – and Jesus heals them all. Large crowds follow him around the ten towns near Jerusalem.

My Thoughts:

When God Calls: Jesus calls these four men and they drop everything to join him. When God calls we need to drop everything and follow Him. The challenge today is hearing Him above all the other choices.

Whole Healing: Jesus heals both body and soul of the people around Jerusalem. He shows us that wellness is related as much to mental wellbeing as physical health. Lifting people’s spirits likely touched more people and did more good than the physical healing, though the latter gets more press because “proof” is in seeing.

Going green with Edison’s DC over AC

Thomas Edison, best known for inventing the light bulb, pushed for DC current for transmitting electricity, but we went with AC since it could transmit better across distance. AC has been used heavily for over 100 years, but now green requirements and data center demand are forcing people to look at DC again.

Edison told associates Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone, “I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.”  Read the full Insight: How renewable energy may be Edison’s revenge story at Reuters.

Tebow stumbles, but still encouraged

Tim Tebow lost his second game as Denver Bronco’s quarterback, against the New England Patriots yesterday 41-23, but the Patriots had help with two turnovers and a muffed punt.  Don’t count Tebow out yet. This home-schooled son of Baptist missionaries is still likely to make the playoffs and who knows how far he can carry the Broncos with his belief, especially after encouragement from Patriots coach Bill Belichick.  Read more in The Patriot way tops Tebow-mania as New England defeats Denver story at USA Today.

Jesus Begins to Preach (Matthew 4: 12-17)

Bible Summary:

Jesus hears that John the Baptist is imprisoned so he flees from Nazareth to Capernaum, near Lake Galilee. This location matches what prophet Isaiah foretold and is the land of the people who live in darkness that will see a great light, the Gentiles. Jesus begins to preach his message, “Turn away from your sins, because the Kingdom of heaven is near.”

My Thoughts:

Prophecies: Jesus matching so many prophecies (born in Bethlehem, flees to Egypt so they can say he came out of Egypt, lives in Nazareth, moves to Galilee) sure seems too convenient, like Matthew “fit” Jesus into the criteria of the Messiah.

The Message: Jesus begins preaching in Galilee, telling people to turn away from their sinful behavior in his campaign to teach people to be kind to each other and do right.

People do not like to be told they are wrong and especially when they are doing wrong, even though in their hearts they know it is true. Take a look today, inside at the thoughts that come up and outside at the things that are done or said. Be the witness to your own behavior and decide if you have room for improvement. I know I have areas where I continue to struggle, so keep the faith and with God’s help we can beat them together. Peace.

God agrees to go with the people of Israel (Exodus 33)

Bible Summary:

God tells Moses to take the people of Israel from Mount Sinai to the land He promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He says he will drive out all the other people from this fertile land, but He cannot join them since they are so stubborn. The people mourn that God is not happy with them and stop wearing jewelry at His request.

Moses sets up the Tent of His presences outside of each new camp. Whenever he goes to the Tent, a pillar of cloud joins him and the people bow down when they see the cloud.

God changes His mind since He is pleased with Moses and now agrees to go with the people of Israel, plus to give them victory.

My Thoughts:

History of the victor: God agrees to drive all the other people (Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites) out of the fertile land for the people of Israel. Every victor believes God was on their side for the win and sanctioned the contest against the loser. I wonder what God had against those other people.

Environment at Risk Pictures

These two Editor’s Choice pictures at Reuters are worth more than a thousand words:

  • Trash along Lagos beach.  Lagos is the largest city in Nigeria, the eighth most populous country in the world.
  • Red polluted water in China.  The Jianhe River in Luoyang in Henan province of China is bright red from chemical waste.  I wonder if this is what the Nile looked like in Moses’ time.
We in the United States should not think we are any better with our trash mountains outside of each large city and a history of our own chemical river issues as seen in this Cuyahoga River Burning in Cleveland.