Exodus Summary

Bible Summary:

A new King of Egypt is even harder on the Hebrew slaves. A compassionate King’s daughter takes in baby Hebrew Moses and raises him. Moses grows up, fights against an injustice, and flees the city. God sends him back to free the Hebrews with multiple plagues on the Egyptians, finally killing all their first-born sons while saving the Hebrews during Passover. The grieving King releases all the Hebrews in the morning, and they are given all of Egypt’s valuables. Later, the King changes his mind and sends his army after them. Moses parts the Red Sea, leads the Hebrews to safety, and destroys the Egyptian army with the water. The Hebrews celebrate until they run out of water crossing the desert. They complain and God provides water and manna. The Amalekites attack the Hebrews, but Joshua’s army prevails with God’s help through Moses’ staff.

With 2.4 million people, the Hebrews are the size of metro Pittsburgh, the 22nd largest city in the United States. With his father-in-law’s advice, Moses appoints judges to handle disputes. God reminds them He freed them from the Egyptians and lays down The Ten Commandments plus many of the civic laws we live by today, like how to handle destruction of someone else’s property. Moses spends forty days with God on Mount Sinai and comes down with the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets, but returns to find the people worshiping a gold calf. He smashes the tablets and has the Levites kill 3,000 people.

Later, Moses convinces God, despite the Hebrews behavior, to come with them on their journey. God has Moses set up the priesthood, first synagogue, Ark of the Covenant to hold the new tablets, a menorah, anointing oils and incense.

My Thoughts:

Jacob’s descendants grow to 2.4 million slaves in Egypt after 430 years causing a concerned King to try to reduce their numbers. The harsh treatment leads to Moses’ rise and God’s wrath against the Egyptians until they release the Hebrews. After a while, the Hebrews forget the miracles God did for them and begin to complain. God provides for them, but they lose faith after Moses is gone forty days to carve the Ten Commandments in stone, and then begin to worship a gold calf. God wants to kill them all and restart with Moses’ descendants, but Moses convinces Him to give them another chance. They build the first worship center and establish the priesthood to honor Him. God is pleased.

God calls Moses to help release the Hebrews. Moses reluctantly agrees. Sometimes God calls people to do great things. We need to be ready to take that call.

God did amazing miracles to release the Hebrews from slavery, but, having grown up believing in a loving God, I had a very hard time relating to a vengeful God that wiped out so many Egyptians and was ready to kill all the Hebrews and start again with Moses.  Maybe this was man’s interpretation of an incredible natural disaster that freed the Hebrews.

The Hebrews lose faith in God even though he continues to provide for them.  Think how hard it is for us to believe when times are tough, then try to imagine what it was like to be a slave, chased by the greatest army of the time, and almost dying of starvation and thirst.  The best mantra to pull the Hebrews out of their slave-mentality was telling them they were the “chosen ones.”

It is also amazing that Moses created the priesthood and many of the laws we live by today, 3500 years later.


2012 New Year Celebrations Around the World

Sharing some beautiful video of New Year Celebrations from around the world on YouTube.

Countdown New Year 2012 and celebrations around the World includes Auckland, Sydney, Beijing, Hong Kong, Dubai, Moscow, Berlin, Paris, and London.

New Year 2012 celebrations around the World (2) includes Taipei, Beijing, Athens, Paris, Edinburgh, Rio De Janeiro, and New York City.

Happy New Year to everyone!  Love to you all!

The world is becoming a small village

It is amazing what a small village the world has become. I found a story about people reflecting on the kindnesses they received this year in the village of Yellow Springs. I guess the word-association made me think I was reading about a village near Yellowstone National Park. Once I finished, I looked up Yellow Springs and it is in Ohio. Their reflections on the past year could be written in any city, town or village around the globe. See for yourself by reading the Acts of kindness the whole year long story at the Yellow Spring News.

Happy New Year to you and your family! I wish everyone good health and prosperity in 2012. God bless you one and all!

Jesus teaches about anger (Matthew 5: 21-26)

Bible Summary:

Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount that anger is as bad as murder. He warns that calling your brother names can put you in danger of going to hell. It is so important to make peace with your brother that you are to leave the altar to reconcile and then return to offer your gift to God. He also advises to settle any lawsuit before it gets to court or you will go to jail until you pay the whole fine.

My Thoughts:

Anger: Jesus warns us that we will go to hell for our anger. Anger can actually be a living hell for the people who experience the wrath and the person who is angry. The angry person may experience remorse after the incident, but the scars continue long after for the victims. They can become unsure, risk averse, compliant and allow people to walk all over them. They may even continue the cycle and become angry people too, perpetuating the abuse for generations to come. If you have a problem, please seek help now. At least, study anger management books or sign up for a class. If that does not work, then seek professional help. It is worth it for your friends, family, colleagues, and generations to come.

Jesus says to follow God’s Laws (Matthew 5: 17-20)

Bible Summary:

Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount they must continue to obey the Laws of Moses and teachings of the prophets if they wish to enter heaven. They must follow the Laws faithfully and do what God requires.

My Thoughts:

Laws of Morality: Every community and religion covers the basic laws of morality like not lying or stealing. These and the other Ten Commandments are the laws that Jesus refers to that people are to follow.

Russian Ship Freed in Antarctic

What a great story about world cooperation – the New Zealand air force dropped supplies and equipment to a stranded Russian ship in the Antarctic ice pack, a Korean ice breaker created a lane for the ship to reach open water, and on top of it the Russian ship held a crew of Russians, Indonesians, and Ukrainians.  Read the full Russian ship repaired and freed from Antarctic ice story at Reuters.