Jesus teaches to do charity anonymously (Matthew 6: 1-6)

Bible Summary:

Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount to do religious duties and charitable works privately such that even your closest friends do not know about it.

My Thoughts:

Public Display of Charity: I wrote yesterday about a woman who did 26 random acts of kindness in a day. She posted her experience on Facebook “to inspire more people,” but according to Jesus the woman “will not have any reward from your Father in heaven” because she did the acts publicly. At first, I was thinking the same thing – that she did it for attention, especially handing out balloons to kids in front of Target! But, at the end of her project she posted a summary of what she learned, including tearing up at another woman’s really thankful response to paying for her groceries. So, I think the kindness made its impact on the giver too.

Piousness: I think Jesus was warning everyone about piousness – tell them to not go to church or do charitable works just to show others you are better than them. These are private affairs between you and God that should make you feel good inside just for the doing.

Even though it is best to do good privately, it is better to do them any way you see fit than not at all. So, do not let this warning hamper you from doing an act of kindness directly to someone or in front of others, just don’t brag about it!

Person 1, Kindness 26

Sarah York of Tacoma, Washington spent her 26th birthday doing 26 random acts of kindness around town. Her log of the acts on Facebook are almost as good as what she learned from the reactions.  Read the details in the One day, 26 acts of kindness story at Komo News.

Doing kind acts many times does more for the doer than the receivers.  Try it today and see.

Moses ordains first priests (Leviticus 8, 9, 10)

Bible Summary:

In front of the community, Moses ordains Aaron and his sons as priests using the exact rituals prescribed by God, including a ritual bath, the priestly garments, animal sacrifices, and placing ram’s blood on their right ear lobe, thumb, and big toe.

The next day, at Moses’ request, Aaron presents God separate sin, burnt, grain and fellowship offerings. Aaron finishes, blesses the people, and then enters the Tent of God’s presence with Moses. They return, bless the people, and God appears as dazzling lights. Suddenly, God sends fire that consumes the burnt offering. The people of Israel bow down to the ground.

Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu offer coals in fire-pans that are not holy, so God sends fire that burns them to death. Moses tells Aaron not to mourn his sons since he is holy, but to let the people mourn them.

Moses also tells Aaron the rules of being a priest: no alcoholic drinks before entering God’s Tent, they must distinguish between what is God’s versus general use and between what is clean and unclean, and they must teach God’s laws to the people.

My Thoughts:

Blaming bad things on God: Moses consecrates the priests and God is happy so He reveals himself as dazzling lights. The people bow in awe. Later, God burns Aaron’s sons to death over presenting the wrong fire pans. It sure seems this was an accident everyone blames on God. How easy it is to claim victory based on our own abilities, but to blame God when things do not happen as we would like?  Praise Him if you win and praise Him if you do not.  In the end, He will take care of you.

Right Dominant: Interesting that the right dominant aspect of society goes back to biblical times, as shown by the ram’s blood being placed on the right ear lobe, thumb on the right hand, and right big toe. Per Wikipedia, left-handers make up about 10% of the world’s population and four (maybe five) of the last seven U.S. Presidents! (See the “Politics” section near the bottom of the article for details).

At least 1,500 years until next ice age

Even though movies like The Day After Tomorrow scare us about a pending ice age that can strike in weeks, the scientist believe it will not happen for at least another 1,500 years and should take two to three years to set in.  Learn more in the Next ice age not likely before 1,500 years: study at Reuters.

The big question is: how can global warming cause an ice age?  It does not make sense – heat does not cause cold.  But, the complexity of earth’s environment provides a way for it to happen.  The theory is that global warming will melt Arctic ice and the resulting fresh water will disrupt the ocean’s Gulf Stream, which warms the northern Atlantic.  Find out more at How Global Warming May Cause the Next Ice Age at Common Dreams.

Jesus teaches to love your enemy (Matthew 5: 43-48)

Bible Summary:

Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. He says God makes sun and rain fall on good and bad people alike so we must become perfect and love everyone too.

My Thoughts:

Non-Violence Training: Jesus continues his non-violence training by going beyond the thought of not seeking revenge to actually loving your enemies. A small group of people cannot change the belief of the majority by force, but has a good chance by following the ways of Jesus.

Love Your Enemies: Now that is a hard pill to swallow. How can you love your enemy when they are causing you grief? Think how angry we get when someone cuts us off on the highway. But, loving your enemy is the only long-term solution. Retaliation causes retaliation and escalation. Instead, look for common ground with your enemy. Find something to talk about. Try to compliment them. The best scenario is to turn them into a friend, then you no longer have an enemy.

Flipping the Lens on Stereotyping: We should be very careful not to stereotype people because of the actions of a few. It was real easy to think badly about all Muslims because of a few extremists who orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, but most Muslims are actually very nice, Godly (“Allah” to them) people. Their religion also comes from Abraham and teaches their faithful to believe in Jesus as a messenger of God.

Statue of Liberty poet honored

Emma Lazarus wrote The New Colossus poem that has welcomed people to America at the base of the Statue of Liberty for 125 years. The Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City is honoring her in the “Emma Lazarus Poet of Exiles” exhibit running through December. Learn more about her passion for the tired, poor and huddled masses in the Exhibit illuminates Statue of Liberty poet Lazarus story at Reuters.

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

– Emma Lazarus

Jesus teaches against revenge (Matthew 5: 38-42)

Bible Summary:

Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount not to seek revenge as the old “eye for an eye” laws say, but to offer the other cheek to your aggressor, to give the thief your coat as well, and to give whenever someone asks.

My Thoughts:

Teaching meekness?: It sure seems Jesus is teaching everyone to be meek, to roll over and accept all the bad in life with a smile on their face. In reality, he is teaching them the strength of not allowing their emotions to take over a situation, getting them further into trouble. He is also teaching them not to seek revenge to remove the strife which can last for generations as long, drawn-out feuds between families where the descendants do not even know the original reason for the disagreement.

Teaching Followers Non-Violence: I believe Jesus had the foresight to realize his followers would be persecuted by the authorities for his beliefs which were different than the established laws and customs of the time. It does not matter that he was teaching good, just that it was different. To reduce this persecution, he conducted the first campaign of non-violence that set in motion a religion that would dwarf the Jewish faith and now encompasses one-third of the people around the world.

Mohandas Gandhi copied these non-violent methods to free India from British rule and Martin Luther King, Jr. copied them to gain civil rights for all Americans regardless of race, religion, or any other reason to separate people.  Non-violence works.

Walk Away: So the next time you are in a quarrel, put yourself in good company like Jesus, Dr. King, and Gandhi, and be strong enough to walk away until the other person cools off.