Jacob Blesses Joseph’s Sons (Gen 48)

Bible Summary:

Joseph brings his sons Manasseh and Ephraim to his ill father Jacob for a blessing. Jacob tells him the two boys will receive the family inheritance but no others born to him after. During the blessing, Joseph places his oldest son Ephraim on Jacob’s right, but his father crosses his arms and gives the birth-right blessing to the younger son Manasseh. Joseph tries to correct his father but he says Manasseh will be the greater son. Jacob also gives Joseph the fertile lands in Canaan instead of to his brothers.

My Thoughts:

Blessing: Joseph, the favorite son, receives the family blessing for his sons. Of course, it helped that he saved the extended family and all the people around Egypt.

A blessing is God’s favor and protection or prayer for one. Right now, I pray that God will bless you.