Struggling with Bible study

I am really struggling with this Bible Study. My original plan was to read straight through from Genesis to Revelations, but now I am at a crossroads. I am close to finishing my third month – started 9/7/11 – and I have not even made it through two books of the Old Testament. At this rate it will take over three years before I will get to the really good stuff in the New Testament.

I glanced at the first chapter of Matthew and noticed it refers to significant events in the Old Testament I have not reached yet, like King David and the exile of the Jews. I do not even know when or why they started calling them Jews instead of Israelites. I want to understand the history before I read the New Testament, but I am anxious to get there. Christmas approaching and the thought of celebrating the birth of Jesus are not helping.

My Thoughts:

Decisions: After re-reading the above, I find it funny that I have made this such a weighty decision. It does not matter which way I go, just as long as I continue. It is kind of like life, we tend to make simple things difficult.

Getting to the Good Stuff: Some of us are so anxious to get to the good stuff that we try jumping ahead only to find we still need to put in the work to attain our goal. That is okay. Take your step back, get to work, and keep at it. You will reach your goal in the right time.

Others delay gratification too long and miss out, like the old couple who planned to travel the world after they retired, but were disappointed when they were too weak to go very far.

Balance is the key, and trick to life. Work hard now, but also try to enjoy yourself some along the way!  God bless!