Joseph Helps His Family (Gen 44-45)

Bible Summary:

Joseph sends his brothers away with full sacks of grain and secretly all their money plus a silver cup in Benjamin’s sack. His servant follows to question the brothers about stealing the cup. They all deny it, but the cup is found and Benjamin is ordered to stay. The brothers return to Joseph and Judah tries to negotiate Benjamin’s release because their father Jacob has already lost one son and would just die without Benjamin.

Joseph can no longer control his feelings so he sends his servants from the room and confesses his true identity. The brothers are so terrified they are speechless. Joseph calms them by saying God really sent him ahead to become ruler of Egypt to save people’s lives from the famine, including their family. He embraces each of them and cries for joy with Benjamin.

The news reaches the king and he tells Joseph to move his family from Canaan to Egypt to survive the last five years of the famine. He gives them wagons to move everyone. The brothers arrive back in Canaan with the stunning news of Joseph. When he can finally speak, Jacob tells them the only thing he would like before he dies is to see Joseph.

My Thoughts:

Forgiveness: Joseph tries to trick his brothers into leaving Benjamin but is overwhelmed by the possibility of his father dying over it. He does an incredible thing and forgives his brothers for selling him into slavery over twenty years prior. His forgiveness is possible from his everlasting faith in God having a plan for him, even though it took many years to fulfill. God has a plan for you. Be purposeful in all you do.